Release Yourself – Your Stars For September 2021
By Claudia Vannini
Did someone hit Pause on the Solar System? It seems so. September is challenging. It starts with retrograde Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Kiron and Uranus. Events happen, but slowly and painfully. Mercury also retrogrades on the 27th. This lethargy calls for greater effort on our part. If we want results, we have to use our emotional intelligence. It’s no use trying to force our way. Venus helps a lot to keep relationships active, it moves to Scorpio on the 10th. Relationships gain light. Mars goes to Libra on the 10th. It’s a time of calm. Countries make deals and disputes are minor. Mercury retrogrades on the 27th. It’s time to confirm reservations, read all correspondence and contracts carefully, and improve communication. Do not send messages, be more detailed in your emails. If you lead a team, redouble your patience and repeat the steps explained several times. Backup your computer and smartphone. Update your antivirus and prepare for breakdowns in electric motors, cars and equipment in the house. Hackers love this period to break into the information systems of governments or large companies. Anyone who works with technology should be prepared to work overtime and night shifts. Don’t blame yourself for this month’s misunderstandings. Release yourself into the Solar System and follow the flow.
Let’s organize the LUNAR CALENDAR?
03rd – Balsamic Moon in Leo – conducive to healing and forgiveness
06th – NEW MOON in Virgo – beginning of the New Cycle
10th – Emerging Moon in Scorpio – conducive to gathering strength
13th – Waxing Moon in Sagittarius – no guarantees
17th – Gibbous Moon in Aquarius – conducive to persevering in a theme
20th – FULL MOON in Pisces – APEX
25th – Disseminating Moon in Gemini – suitable for breaking patterns
28th – Waning Moon in Cancer – time for collection and auditing
Read your Sun Sign and Ascendant. Have a good month everyone!
Retrograde Planets make this month a great challenge. You have to use all your emotional skills to dodge delays and negative answers. Train patience. It’s a phase. Mercury mistreats you. Be demanding with dates and deadlines, especially at the end of the month. Do not send messages, they can be misunderstood, and confirm all reservations. The joy of the month is in the emotional life. There isn’t that much money, but there is love. Single and married live a very favored period in romance. Health is great, until the 23rd.
Good days: 8,9,14,15,16,17,18,19,25,29,30
Mercury is responsible for your finance and it goes into retrograde motion at the end of September. Knowing that, speed up your work for money this month. Don’t leave anything for the last 4 days. There are good opportunities, but you have to pursue it with perseverance. If you are looking for a new job, take advantage. You are favored. Health remains strong. Love in an excellent moment If you can, try to go out a little, before the 27th. This break could be the difference in your month.
You are saved by the Full Moon on the 20th. This Moon promises financial results and new opportunities. Mercury doesn’t help with your financial life in September, but the Universe won’t let you down. There are opportunities in a new job. Everything happens between the 20th and the 26th. After that, work with what you’ve achieved. Love goes through a stable but lukewarm moment. Don’t expect too much from this sector. Children demand your attention. Health improves after 22nd.
Good days: 1,2,6,7,9,11,15,19,20,26,27,29,30
Mars signals that the home office is your place, at least during September. Try to produce more at home. Reduce your exposure. The family asks for your attention. It’s a time for home and family themes. Spend time on mental developments. Imagine yourself in your dream job. Work on the co-creation of dreams. Mercury mistreats your finances, so organize the budget. Confirm all messages 1000 times. Fragile health. Stable love.
Good days: 4,5,6,7,9,11,18,21,22,23,26,27,30
You have financial benefits in September. Jupiter and Mars work with you until the 15th. After that, consider delays and less influx of work. Knowing this, start the month with maximum energy. Don’t delegate. Do as much as possible and confirm everything many times. The end of the month promises disagreements. There are new jobs. Love in an unstable moment. Don’t expect anything from this sector. If you manage to keep a relationship, feel victorious. Health remains balanced throughout the month.
Good days: 6,7,8,9,17,18,19,24,25,26,27,29,30
You remain armored in September. Although most signs feel a little slow, you behave like a phoenix. You are pure energy and vitality. With this opposing energy, you achieve good financial results and are not shaken by the scenario. There is a lot of action, especially after the 22nd. Ignore Mercury’s movement, produce and make others produce. Neptune mistreats your romantic life. Don’t expect anything from this sector. If you have a relationship, try to keep it. Good health.
Good days: 6,7,8,9,14,17,18,19,26,27,29.30
You are the big beneficiary in September. You have support from Mars to face all the battles on Earth. Venus helps you too. It Accelerates earnings and benefits at work. On the 27th, you must review your reservations and check your emails. Your month will be perfect if you are careful with communication. Love moves on at a fast pace. Single and married with excellent energy. Health is strengthened. Take advantage of all this high energy to motivate the other signs. Share.
Good days: 2,6,7,9,10,11,15,18,25,26,29,30
Despite the delays that Mercury brings, you get good results in September. Venus collaborates with you and mitigates astral impacts. The month asks for a different attitude towards life. Less action on the material plane and more mentalization. If you connect with the Universe and project your desires into the Universe, you will have evolution. It sounds subjective, but it’s effective. Immerse yourself in philosophical and spiritual knowledge. Great tips will come from there. Good health and excellent love.
Good days: 4,5,6,7,9,12,13,15,18,26,27
September is a slow month for you. But if you know how to deal with the delays, you will end the month in a draw. There are no big profits, but there is also no shortage. Saturn collaborates and brings results. Don’t wait for big events. Rejoice in the basics. Check all correspondence, ticket dates and travel reservations. Misunderstandings are on your menu. Stay tuned. Friends participate a lot in your life. Strengthened health and unbalanced love.
Good days: 6,7,8,9,14,15,16,17,18,26,27
The month promises recognition in professional life. You are praised and recognized by your peers. This is not the time to focus on the home. All the strength has to be at work. Money comes slowly and with delays. But, there is no shortage of it. Take advantage of this moment and fight for a promotion. Health remains weakened. You have to look at this sector very carefully in September. Love is still in good shape. Despite the retrograde planets, you can do the unlikely.
Good days: 6,7,8,9,14,15,17,18,19,27, 29.30
Work with perseverance and patience. September seems like a month with no results, but everything changes in the end. After the 22nd, you can see the results. Finances show growth and work flows well. Until the 22nd, study, improve your talents and travel. Try to expand your scenario. Discover new techniques and cultures. Deepen your faith. Avoid risky investments. Pluto and Neptune can signal bad financial choices. Stable love and balanced health.
Good days: 2,7,9,10,11,15,16,18,20,25.30
You go against the Planets. You feel some delays caused by Mercury, but still have benefits. Business is going well, until the 27th. You feel empowered and able to take on big challenges. There is a chance to join working partners who are very prosperous. Keep an eye on strengthened networking. Work hard between the 22nd and the 26th. Those 5 days can save your finances. Health is strengthened after the 15th. Love in an excellent moment.
Good days: 7,9,12,13,16,17,18,21,23,26,27
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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For a private reading, you can contact Claudia via email.