We open an energetic door – Your Horoscope for February 2025

by ClaudiaVannini

March is special! We have two Eclipses. The total lunar eclipse happens on the 14th, at 18:59 UTC It is a Full Moon in Virgo. At this time, each sign will conclude a theme. Below, you can read your theme. On the 29th, we have a partial solar eclipse. It is a New Moon in Aries. We open a door. This energetic door will remain open for 6 months. Then, between March 29th and September, each sign will begin a new phase. Your theme is right below, in your sign. Eclipses are energetic opportunities. We can turn the game around, change course and make new choices. Don’t miss your chance.

On the 3rd, Mercury enters Aries. Until May 10th, there will be a lot of enthusiasm for studies and direct communication. This is the time for assertive and clear speech. Expression is fluid and we should avoid harshness. Since we are very clear, we can hurt through words. Marketing people, salespeople, teachers and lawyers stand out during this period. Mercury enters its retrograde movement. It will be on the 15th and in Aries. Until April 7th, we will deal with some details. We have to review our plans. Everything can work out, if we pay attention. Some tips:

  • Avoid impulsive decisions. Since it is in Aries, you may feel like changing plans suddenly. Avoid it! Try to stay on schedule.
  • Organize a schedule with your commitments. Set an alarm on your cell phone or watch to remind yourself.
  • Keep post-its on the refrigerator, in the cupboard and on the microwave door. Write down everything that is important and gradually eliminate the papers throughout the week.
  • Confirm hotel and flight reservations. Don’t trust blindly. Be sure.
  • Avoid sending messages through someone else. If you can’t talk in person, record a voice message.
  • Avoid jokes in text messages. People tend to not understand them during this period.
  • Back up your computer and smartphone.
  • Update your antivirus program.
  • Be extra careful to avoid virtual scams.
  • If only one engine or electronic device fails, be thankful and repeat: “nothing broken, nothing missing, nothing out of place.” Repeat this many times.

If you were born with Mercury retrograde, you may be surprised to experience a more positive and prosperous phase. Celebrate!

Enjoy the moment! Until April 7th, everything is Mercury’s fault. You are not responsible. Wouldn’t that be great?

Venus also goes through its retrograde movement. Thank goodness it is short. Between March 1st and April 12th, the Planet of Love does not help us on Earth. Romantic relationships may stagnate. Some couples become dull, while others fight. That relationship, which was just starting to take off, falls apart. No problem. Stay calm. It’s a phase and it will pass.

On the 20th, at 09:02 UTC, Aries babies are born. Congratulations to all the Aries who liven up the lives of other signs. Without you, it would be monotonous.

On the 30th, Neptune enters Aries. It will remain there until 2038. It is an antagonistic position. Neptune, the King of the Seas, responsible for the dream world and the mists that surround us, visits a sign in fire. At the very least, it will be confusing for us. The last time, between 1861 and 1875, the American Civil War marked history. We can count on a lot of energy and courage for new achievements and the pursuit of ideals. Let’s add a dose of impatience and recklessness to this. Neptune will know what to do. The water of the oceans will put out the fire on the Planet.

Be Happy on Earth!
Let’s set up our Lunar Calendar?
03rd – New Emerging Moon in Taurus, at 10:36 UTC.
A good time to gain strength, and launch new businesses and ideas.
06th – Waxing Moon in Gemini, at 16:31 UTC.
There are no guarantees at this time, persist.
10th – Gibbous Moon in Leo, at 18:19 UTC.
A good time to persevere on a topic.
14th – Full Moon – 18:59 UTC – TOTAL ECLIPSE of the MOON in VIRGO.
Moment of highs, maximum energy, exaggerations.
18th – Disseminating Moon in Scorpio, at 10:00 UTC.
A good time to break patterns. Extremely powerful for breaking karmic cycles and imprisoning relationships. Excellent for gaining insights in psychological therapies.
22nd – Waning Moon in Capricorn, 11:29 UTC.
Withdrawal, auditing, endings and breakups. Coldness to make radical decisions.
26th – Balsamic Moon in Aquarius, at 03:48 UTC.
Suitable moment for healing, forgiveness and breakups.
29th – New Moon in ARIES – 10:48 UTC- Partial ECLIPSE of the SUN. Suitable moment for launching businesses and ideas.
Upcoming ECLIPSES in September, 2025 in Pisces and Virgo.

You are abandoning old habits and addictions. It is time to quit smoking, stop drinking or change your diet. If you eat chocolate every day and think it is not a necessary habit, you can take advantage of this moment to end it. You can abandon a vocation. You see what is not right and have the strength to break away. You can quit a job, even if it is a good one. The question is whether this job fits your dreams. Some people give up a profession that was expensive and required a lot of study time. Many may embrace a new profession. At the end of the month, on the 29th, a 6-month cycle begins. In it, you will open a door. It is the door to the Self. You will transform yourself. You will make important decisions about your body, your behavior and even your hair will change. It is a desire to be a better person, after everything you have learned. Some will choose to start behavioral therapy. It is the desire to get to know this new person who has appeared as a resident of your body. You may notice a certain slowness at work. If you are an entrepreneur, you feel that things are slow. Look for new places to work. Finances remain somewhat balanced. You can receive financial support from relatives if you need it. Your health is weakening a little. Love is going through a positive moment.

You may break up with a partner or change the way you deal with relationships. You may dedicate more time to your relationship or decide that you have spent too much time dating. Some people dive into a relationship all at once, while others need to be single. You may abandon places of entertainment such as nightclubs, games and parties. On the 29th, the time of the Solar Eclipse, you open a very strong door. It is the door to karmic memories, paranormal activity and faith. In the next 6 months, paranormal and mystical events will happen. You can give them as much importance as you want. But they will happen. If you want, you can ignore them. A lot of information comes from lucid dreams. These are insights and perceptions that surround you. The suggestion is to have a notepad to write everything down. If a friend says something that touches you, write it down. If you wake up with a specific thought, write it down. Reread it every week. Until September, read and study paranormal activity, bilocation, akashic memory, karma, faith and spirituality. Honor your ancestors by following your faith and the traditions that comfort you. This connection with the energetic world will be important for your development on Earth. There is some gossip in the workplace. Don’t participate and try not to be the target. Finances need to be organized. There is no shortage of money, but the expenses are high. Health becomes fragile due to emotional issues. Meditate and exercise.

You move house or remodel the entire space. You need to transform your home. If your home is organized, it can change the way you relate to your family. You can get closer or further away from relatives. Some prioritize family, while others decide to live with their beloved family. On the 29th, the time of the Solar Eclipse, you transform a vital sector for your sign. Friends and social groups begin to change. You don’t need to break off friendships. You can increase your presence in other groups. The important thing is to be attentive because a large part of professional bonds comes from friendships. So, choose carefully where you want to be. You have the right to choose where you will be and with whom. Offers for meetings, discussion panels, congresses, fairs, events and parties will come in droves. Until September, you will be in high demand. Choose shrewdly. You know that it is not possible to be everywhere. May they be the healthiest, most prosperous and most fun. If you are an entrepreneur, you may have an unfair competitor. Use your intelligence to overcome them. If you are an employee, conflicts with your boss will keep you up at night. Finances remain balanced. Love is going through a happy time. Married couples may have difficulty with all the events that the month offers. Health is great.

You change the way you communicate. You can abandon language habits and regional expressions. You realize how communication has been used and choose a new way of expressing yourself. You can give up text messages or decide to never speak on the phone again. Something changes in this important subject. Some Cancerians drop out of a course that no longer makes sense. At the end of the month, with the Eclipse on the 29th, you open the door to your professional life. You may be called for a desired job or placed in a prominent position. You don’t always change location. You may be promoted or transferred to a position within the same company. In any case, this Eclipse gives your career a boost. This cycle will last 6 months, so get ready. Starting in March, study the best opportunities and analyze if you are lacking any specialization. Collaborate with the Eclipse and make your moves on Earth. Work is going through a very fast-paced moment. Take advantage of it. Health is following the same path. Lots of vitality and little sleep. Remember to rest. Finances are good, but don’t spend more than normal. Love is still lukewarm. If you’ve broken up with someone, you might get back together. Single people don’t have as much success.

You will close some financial issues. You may settle a debt or give up saving money for a project. Your relationship with money will change and you will want to manage your finances differently. Some will become spendthrifts, while others may speculate or invest in a current issue. If you were expecting compensation or a division of assets, you may throw it all away and go live your life. If you were expecting a labor agreement, you may give up your financial rights to free yourself from the ties. What tied you to money will no longer hold you back. And this can be devastating for some people in your social circle. On the 29th, you will open a significant door. It is the door to knowledge, faith and contact with distant places. It could be enrolling in a long course or deciding to travel to a distant place. Usually, this trip has a cultural or spiritual purpose. This cycle will last 6 months, so you have until September to organize yourself. There will be betrayals at work. Colleagues support you, but they are setting traps. Stay calm and honest. Finances are going well. Love is not a hot topic. Health is about losing energy. Remember to rest.

You are wrapping up personal issues. You may abandon old habits and addictions. You want to let go of some stories you have lived in this life. It is the abandonment of the self that no longer works. You are not dealing with issues from other lives. The Libras will do this. You are removing the trash created in this life. It is liberating because you know exactly how this trash came about and who was with you in producing it. It is a clean-up from the year zero of life until today. Clean without fear. Donate clothes, makeup, shoes, bags. Let go. Change your hair. Buy a new blouse to mark this moment. If you can, buy a watch. At the end of the month, on the 29th, you open the door to personal power. It is an important moment. You take the reins of your existence. This change is internal. You feel that you are strong, different from what you were. You make decisions with coolness and wisdom. You do not look back. Your choices will be in effect for 6 months, so manage this power. Work brings some problems. You may end a partnership or business partnership. If you are employed, you may have to redo work that was already done. Stay flexible. Health is failing. Take it easy. Money comes, but it may be late. Organize a budget with flexible dates. Love continues with a strengthened partnership.

You are ending a karmic phase. It may seem abstract, but it is a huge and silent transformation. You feel like something has died inside you. You may wonder if you are sick or depressed. Not necessarily. You are mourning the self that is gone. This self carried many memories that are no longer necessary. It is the karmic trash that came with you. You may break contracts signed in other lives, and debts with friends and enemies. It is quite powerful. On the 29th, a new phase begins. You will open the door to relationships, marriage and partnerships. If you want to get married, you will have 6 months to start this process. It may be a relationship that takes shape and, by September, looks like an engagement. If you do not want to get married, it may be a partnership with someone in your field of work. This partnership may happen in a second activity. You and a friend decide to do something together and with financial goals. There are difficulties for entrepreneurs. Not everyone supports your decisions and you spend a lot of time arguing with your employees and team. The ideal is to position yourself clearly. If you are employed, you have a month of benefits and are recognized for your professionalism. Your finances are improving. Take advantage of this good time. Your health is weakening, so take good care of yourself.

You end some friendships that no longer suit you. You may leave a social group or close your social media account. This closing of a cycle is in line with your current situation. If you decide to leave a beach tennis club or abandon your crochet group, do so with a calm heart. This is a phase that has ended and that’s okay. On the 29th, big and good changes will happen. You open an important door. It’s the door to your vocation, job, daily habits and health care. There will be 6 months of changes, so let your inner voice speak. If you have a hidden vocation, put it into practice. It doesn’t have to be full-time. You can continue in your profession and dedicate an hour in the evening to your craft. If this needs to become a source of income, things will happen by September. This is a good time to get a new job. If you are an entrepreneur, it’s time to fine-tune your team. Spend some time training and make everything your own. Your finances are going through a good time. Your health is strong. You have energy for many activities. Love is balanced. Married people support each other and single people have fun romances.

You are ending a professional phase. You decide to change professions or rethink the direction you have given your career. You may interrupt a career to dedicate yourself to another sector, even if it is in the same profession. You may give up a directorial position to become a happier manager. It is a personal decision that may be questioned by everyone around you, but there is no way to continue as you are. On the 29th, a new cycle begins. It is the cycle of heightened creativity, a new relationship or planning a baby. This new phase will last 6 months. So, you can live it all. To make the most of this moment, include an artistic activity. Let your talent flow, even if you are not an expert. While you draw, paint, dance or sing, your mind opens other doors to the Universe. There are delays at work. It may be a supplier who does not deliver the raw materials or a colleague who does not finish the work. Control the calendar and meet deadlines. Money comes in and there are expenses with the house, children or relatives. So, have a flexible budget. Singles should not start a relationship. The month is not propitious. Married people are going through good times. It all depends on understanding family issues. There is less physical energy and there may be weight gain. If that is what you want, the issue is resolved. If you don’t want to gain more weight, you need to start the month with real changes.

You may decide to change countries, travel far away or take a long course. You may reevaluate the scenario and give up on a plan for dual citizenship and permanent migration. Some people trade a long trip to Asia for a local beach. Others drop out of college and rethink their choices. You may even reevaluate your faith and end your participation in a religious or philosophical group. At the end of the month, you open a special door. It is the door to your home. You may buy or rent a new house. You may renovate your entire property or invest in a plot of land. This new phase lasts 6 months. So, you start on the 29th and continue researching good market opportunities. There is no need to rush. Another change may come in your relationship with your relatives. You may change the way you deal with them. There is news at work. Bosses may fall and others, not as prepared, may rise. It is a game of musical chairs and you can adapt. Finances are fine, but expenses are high. So, there is no shortage and no surplus. If you want some leftover, start the month with your foot on the brakes. Married people need to be understanding about family issues. Relatives and children can interfere. So, dialogue is essential. Single people can start dating, but family members can also give their opinions. The ideal is not to mix up your new romance with relatives. You have a lot of vital energy and can do many things. You can even travel and have a lot of fun.

You let go of control. You let go of the horse’s reins and let it determine where the carriage goes. This letting go of control may come from tiredness or from your broad vision of freedom. Many will not understand you, but it doesn’t matter. For you, what matters is what is in your heart. When you let go of control, you feel more powerful. And you do. Those who do not want to control do not risk being controlled. This moment transforms your sexual choices. You may be surprised by changes in this area. At the end of the month, you will transform your communication. It is a change that will last for 6 months. You can study about assertive communication or nonviolent communication. All short courses are in this new phase. If you are an entrepreneur, you have difficulty with partners and collaborators. You need to negotiate everything and explain the details. It is tiring, but it is part of the business. If you are an employee, you may see radical changes within the company. You do not leave, but you can change inside the company. Everything becomes a mess and you spend the month trying to organize your drawers. The money comes in and remains balanced. Children, grandchildren and relatives demand a lot. They need you, your advice and even financial help. Don’t be absent. Love demands reflection. Perhaps you need to understand what you are feeling. Then everything will be fine. Your health will weaken and you will be able to reorganize yourself with healthy eating and rest.

You may end a marriage or break off a business partnership. You end an old contract and surprise everyone. It is a relationship that has ended and you see it clearly. If you are married, you may rethink the relationship. It does not always lead to divorce, but something dies inside you. At the end of the month, you will open an important door. This door is financial. You will find a new source of income or move your money around. You will start investing, speculating or working more with financial goals. This attitude will have an effect for the next 6 months. To notice the transformation, of course, you must balance your expenses. This way, the money will increase in volume and you will have a greater chance of profit. None of this involves gambling or betting. It is money coming from work. If you have debts, this Eclipse may mark the beginning of the settlement. If you are an entrepreneur, you need to dedicate more time to the financial sector. Control the company’s expenses. If you are an employee, everything goes smoothly. You may think it is monotonous, but it is better than being confused. Don’t complain. Single people can meet someone from the past and love returns. Married people are having a good time and can travel together. Finances remain balanced. Your health is excellent and you have the strength to do all the activities you want.

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