Opportunity And Change – Your Stars For May 2023
by Claudia Vannini
A very important month! The Solar Eclipse, on the 5th, opens the doors to new themes. We will feel the effect of this event for 6 months. It’s time for renewal and new choices.
On the 07th, a beautiful moment. Venus enters Cancer. Affections occur in the family and at home. There is an appreciation of the home and the relationship between relatives. A good time to schedule a wedding. Those who work with furniture and household items have high revenues.
After the 15th, Mercury returns to direct motion. Our life gets easier. We can count on greater understanding in communication. On the 16th, Jupiter enters Taurus. Real estate issues enter the news. Here begins the perception of the real crisis of the Chinese real estate market. This crisis will erupt in 2025. But we already have a foreshadowing of what is happening. The civil construction sector receives a lot of investment in Brazil. There is a lot of service for engineers, architects, specialized labor and designers. On the 20th, strong energy. Mars enters Leo. Heads of government can place themselves in an authoritarian way. In our personal life, we gain more energy and determination. Our projects are embraced with a lot of will. It is a period of great growth. Take advantage of this strength to leverage what you want. Don’t expect help. Do it yourself.
On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini. A phase of much mental advancement and increased anxiety. Pluto goes through the entire month in retrograde motion. The battles for the Planet lose strength. Never consider, in your private life, that an issue is closed. The past tends to knock on your door. Leaders, who were retired, may return to cause turmoil. They don’t stay, they just reappear momentarily.
Let’s organize the lunar calendar?
02nd – Gibbous Moon in Libra – conducive to persevering on a topic
05th – FULL MOON in Scorpio, Lunar Eclipse – maximum energy
09th – Disseminating Moon in Capricorn – conducive to breaking patterns
12th – Waning Moon in Aquarius – collection, audit, finalizations
16th – Balsamic Moon in Aries – conducive to healing, forgiveness and breakups
19th – NEW MOON in Taurus – propitious for launching business and ideas
24th – Emerging Moon in Leo – propitious to gain strength
27th – Waxing Moon in Virgo – there are no guarantees, persist
Read your Sun and Rising Sign. A good month to all! Enjoy every moment of this Planetary Adventure and Be Happy on Earth.
A cycle of prosperity begins! And it will last all year. Celebrate because it’s a complete turnaround in finance. This month’s Eclipse moves your personal power and sex life. It’s time to find your throne and claim it. This month comes with work improvements. Make it worth it. Your home feels the impact of the Eclipse. Relatives can call you to solve problems. The elderly need support. Your health is fine. Love goes through an eccentric phase. Some Aries will live sexual experiences that can change even marriage.
GOOD DAYS: 02, 03, 05, 08, 09, 10, 13, 22, 24, 25
Lots of expansion and news! Jupiter in Taurus shakes up your month. You can grow in all sectors. Improvement at work and in personal life. Self-esteem rises and you feel invincible. Others also see you through this prism. The Eclipse favors new partnerships and a new marriage. Take advantage to solidify bonds for the future. Finances improve a lot on the 21st. Get organized for this. Your health remains strong. Love goes through moments of much sensuality and novelty. If you are alone, look for someone during the New Moon.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28
New Habits. The month’s Eclipse moves your routine. and a new vocation arises There may be a change in work or the choice of a new food plan. You can start exercising and reset your mind. Finances are changing. Organize your budget. Money comes after the 21st. There is success in financial speculation. Relatives need your help. Your health improves. Love happens between the group of friends. Attend all meetings so you don’t miss the opportunity to meet someone interesting.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 06, 08, 09, 14, 22, 23, 24, 30, 31
Immediate Contacts! You leave this month transformed. You find the mystic and begin to see the world from another angle. It is a profound change in your interests. Your creativity is amplified by the month’s Eclipse. Art enters your life. You can bring babies to Earth. There’s a lot of fun. Even your body transforms. Beauty and fashion are part of this personal construction. Finances get messed up. Don’t speculate. Your health undergoes a detox. Get rid of what intoxicates you. Love is not important. Your focus is on having fun with friends.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, 25, 26
A Boom in the Profession! You have, in May, the greatest professional growth of recent times. Make sure you deserve it and take advantage of opportunities. Jupiter and Moon collaborate with this glorious moment. Finances are a big surprise after the 21st. Get organized for this. This month’s Eclipse rocks your home and family. Be ready to move in or do a long renovation. Seniors need you more. There are tensions. Your health only strengthens on the 21st. So, rest. Love is not a priority. There is no time to devote to matters of the heart.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 02, 03, 09, 10, 17, 18, 19, 25, 27, 28
New Horizons. Get ready for a leisure or exchange trip. The Eclipse affects your next 6 months. So, open your mind to a geographic change or an improvement course. Studying a foreign language matches the moment. Students can change schools or courses. Many go in search of courses on positive communication. Finances are experiencing instability. News at work after the 20th. Old friendships may end. Your health remains stable. Love is not a priority.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 02, 03, 09, 10, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28
Money is alive! This month’s Eclipse moves your financial life. It’s time to renew sources of income. Pluto collaborates with a new job or several offers at the same time. Analyze everything calmly. The children in the house can go through crises. Small accidents at school or viruses disturb the routine of the little ones. Be mindful of this. The elderly also ask for your attention. Your health continues to strengthen. Love is not a strong theme. As work and finances require maximum dedication, you leave this matter for later.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 02, 05, 09, 10, 18, 19, 22, 24, 30, 31
The month’s Eclipse takes place in your sign. It’s a new Self that will be born and developed for 6 months. Changes happen in looks and behavior. You are looking for a new job or romance. Move house or choose another religion. It’s a pretty radical event. Friends are scared of your choices. Professional life improves after the 20th. Until then, be patient with the unstable days. The elderly may need you. Their health is not good. It’s a good thing your health is still good. Love goes through conciliation.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 07, 08, 09, 10, 18, 19, 25, 26, 31
Impacts! The month of May rocks your faith. The month’s Eclipse moves this sector. Your beliefs are tested on all sides. It seems that the whole family decided to have problems. Children, partners, parents, siblings, uncles and friends bring drama to you. In view of this, focus your efforts on the safety of children and adolescents. They can put themselves at physical risk. Avoid small household accidents. Orient and talk a lot with them. The month has good results in work and finances. Health remains good. Love is not a priority.
GOOD DAYS 01,08,09,10,17,18,25,27,28
Good life! You are the least impacted by the month’s Eclipse. You don’t even feel that movement. While the other signs struggle, you are the astral anchor. Support others. Eclipse moves your group of friends and the places you frequent. It’s time to make new friends and participate in social gatherings. Join a club or group with interests similar to yours. Beware of cyber crimes. Change passwords and make backups. Health remains very good. Love goes through happy moments through good communication.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 02, 03, 09, 10, 17, 18, 19, 28, 30, 31
Ruptures. The month promises changes at work. You can change sectors or bosses. Colleagues may resign and you find yourself overwhelmed. The month’s Eclipse lets you leave your current work. It might be the best time of year for a career turnaround. Eclipse affects your profession, so it will be an unprecedented 6 months. Relatives have health problems and ask for your help. Be around. Good thing your health is still going strong. Love barely happens. You are entertained by all this hustle and bustle and do not continue dating.
GOOD DAYS: 01, 02, 08, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 29
Learning! The month’s Eclipse moves your long studies, travels and your beliefs. It’s time to choose a course that will transform your career. Art comes into your life in the next 6 months. Be open to exploring this theme. You express yourself creatively and change your perspective on society. Protect your children this month. They can put themselves in risky situations. Chat and orient. You have many insights while sleeping. Enjoy and capture the best ones. Your health remains good. Love does not occupy your routine. You are loving the Universe.
GOOD DAYS: 07, 08, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25
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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For a private reading, you can contact Claudia via email.