Focus on the moment – Your Stars for 2022
by ClaudiaVannini
2022 is the year of slow rebuilding. There are no miracles, but there are improvements. We have gone through the worst already. Mercury is the ruler of this year. Our mind becomes active and fast. There is great progress in Science and Technology. Coronavirus research opens the door to a cure for cancer, HIV, and Alzheimer’s. A disease that has killed so many will save many others in the future. Mercury enhances communication. Earth establishes communication with other Planets. Talking to Mars can become very simple. Technology progresses fast. There is no limit to investment in technology and communication. Clean energy resources are also on the investors’ radar. Waste treatment is a priority. The year emphasizes the role of Education in our lives. Courses and new teaching methods will be a trend. Everyone wants to study, evolve and progress. There is less attachment to money. Our interest turns to the experiences lived on Earth. This drives the travel sector, gastronomy, and large events. Successful companies will offer a great customer experience. Anyone who wants to sell just one product will be isolated. Many will sell their cars, houses and stop putting money in the bank. The future will matter less. Our attention will be on the moment, the present. Health companies will have great development if they offer quality service and an individual look at people’s health. Large companies in the health sector will cease their activities for not following this trend. Having a house on the beach or in the country, seeing our children happy, raising several pets, and enjoying Planet Earth will be the 2022 goal. Everyone will go in search of excitement. Integrative therapies will be highlighted. Many will carry the aftereffects of the virus and seek mental and bodily regeneration. Neurologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists will have a lot of work. Planet Earth will change slowly and positively. Find out the trend of each month and make your own schedule.
January will be a month with financial, political, and social obstacles. It is best not to force change. February brings changes in our lives. After the 17th, the spirit moves new ideas. Oh yes. It is at this point that you must begin to act in the microcosm. March brings evident results. Starting on March 5th, the Planet is different. It may seem absurd today, but the perception is that humanity will bypass the coronavirus. We will either be immunized or we will have an antiviral for all countries. It is a very prosperous month with a trend of positive results in the financial markets. April and May follow the same trend. These are profitable months. June is a slow month. Don’t leave too many decisions for this moment. Anticipate them. July, August, and September are unstable months. It’s not always a negative moment. One country may have financial instability, while the other is in serious political trouble. In this game, the fastest always profit. Money migrates from one place to another. There is no room for conservatism in financial matters. October is a difficult month. There is no rhythm. There are many obstacles on the entire Planet. There is nowhere to run. Don’t count on great achievements during this period. November has fewer blockages than October. Society debates changes with great resistance. Even so, some positive changes take place. December signals prosperity and expansion. Coronavirus is now part of the annual vaccination calendar, and the antivirals, in pill form, are at least 3. We have surpassed the World War alert. Now, our War is against poverty, hunger, and social violence. Mercury has to enlighten us with good ideas and quick fixes. A Happy Year to you, who revalidated your intention to remain on Earth.
2022 is a very prosperous year. You find new ways to earn money. Much of your earnings will come through technology. Computer work is your subject. Invest in the latest equipment. Make meetings online, create virtual groups on your theme and speculate financially. There are real results. Invest in spirituality, the third sector, aesthetics, gyms, and courses. Your health remains strong. The most sensitive points are the intestine, lungs, muscles, and hair. Love does not receive much Planetary help. If you’re married, it stays that way. Singles are less interested in looking for someone. They are very focused on their own lives. Your home is going through some confusion. Some relatives may lose their temper with you and it will be a milestone in your year. A lot of old hurts will reappear at once. The children and grandchildren remain strengthened.
2022 is a balanced year for your money. Good speculation occurs in the Second Semester. Until then invest with caution. You don’t get frustrated with this stability. You manage well what you have and enjoy your lucky moments. Getting involved in fundraising for social causes can be very profitable. Look closely at this sector. Invest in technology, spirituality, finance, aesthetics, and events. Health remains stable. The most sensitive points are the kidneys, throat, heart, and hips. Love is re-evaluated this year. You are very worried about yourself and your friends. If you are married, you can get divorced or go to marital therapy. Couples who go on together will have rediscovered a new way of loving. Your home goes through certain stability. The children and grandchildren remain strengthened. The elderly in your family can be a source of concern. Avoid renovating the house. Renovation can become stagnant.
2022 is stable in the financial sector. You don’t earn large sums, but neither do you acquire debt. You strictly manage the budget and how to make the most of what you have. The strongest sectors are sales, retail, transport, and logistics, real estate, food, psychology, journalism, and hospitality. Invest in research, science, spirituality, events, travel, and education. Health remains strong. The most sensitive points are teeth, skin, bones, sexual organs, and lungs. Love gets a big boost. Married people reaffirm their vows of love and partnership. Singles can get married suddenly. They usually marry someone from work, school, or a group of friends. The home is stable. Relatives do not generate problems and relationships are harmonious. The children and grandchildren are doing very well. Avoid major construction work on the house.
2022 does not bring radical changes to finance. You manage your year well. The money comes from the work you do and you feel happy about it. It’s not a frustrating topic. There are good opportunities for those working in health, therapy, and medicine. Working as a fundraiser for an NGO can be a big move. Invest in Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, employment agency, research, science, and occultism. Health remains stable. The most delicate points are the stomach, liver, muscles, and the entire head. Love undergoes great changes. Married people can engage in small romances. This can cause many problems, including in sex life. Singles also abuse their sexual energy. They are not interested in exclusive partnerships. Home remains peaceful. There are no problems with relatives. If you have adult children living with you they must not move. The moment is for a union. You shouldn’t renovate the whole house. Do only what is necessary. The family is not your main focus. Your concern is to generate income so that all relatives can benefit.
2022 brings nothing new in the financial sector. Money circulates, but there is no big breakthrough. The best sectors are media, technology and social media. You don’t do anything alone. All money comes from good social relationships. Important friends with influence in society open the right doors. Be alert! Invest in marriage, travel, education, sex shops, employment, health, and philosophy. Health remains unstable. Carefully take care of your heart, bones, teeth, and legs. Love is strengthened. Married people reevaluate the relationship, but do not want a breakup. Singles get involved with someone who is powerful, handsome or rich. It can be a very risky choice for the future. Your home shows stability. You get along well with your relatives. You can make small renovations in the house and feel good in it. The elderly in the family are requiring attention. The kids are fine. If they’re adults, they can move. New grandchildren can arrive to shake up your year.
2022 does not provide major financial movements. You keep your budget low and get help from relatives. Take the opportunity to pay off last year’s debts. Real estate is the most profitable for you right now. Search for properties to manage. Seasonal real estate is the shortest way to make money every month. Invest in health, education, travel, employment agency, events, wedding planning, and the occult. Health weakens between May and October. Pay attention to the legs, bones, throat, thyroid, teeth, skin, and heart. Love is a very strong theme this year. Get ready to get married and live a unique experience. Married people also feel this positive energy and revalidate their marriage vows. Your home does not undergo major changes. You are more interested in generating income to help your relatives. You can renovate the house because a baby is coming. The children and grandchildren are strengthened. If they are adults, they can move from home.
2022 has no big surprises in the financial sector. You maintain strict money management. Investments are also cautious. You avoid speculating a lot. The arts sector is very active. Representing artists is a profitable path for you. The family provides a secure base, so there is no frustration in this sector. Invest in weddings and events, travel, creativity, arts, crafts and antiques, leisure and fun, education, and baby themes. Health remains stable. Take care of your kidneys, hips, liver, legs, and heart. Love receives good planetary vibrations. This signals marriage or a stable union. You want someone different. You have a chance to join someone who lives far away. Married people go through a year of emotional stability. The home undergoes positive transformations. It’s a great year to do a major makeover. You spend a lot of time at home. You work at home and want the environment to be right. Children go through a very unstable time. They are rebellious and can be a lot of work. Grandchildren also exhibit erratic behavior.
2022 is a very prosperous year. There is success in financial speculation. You have advantages when dedicated to the food, pharmacy, medicine, people transport, logistics, seafood, beverage trade, and creativity sectors. Getting involved in the world of young people is a great tip. Hear what young people need and develop this sector. Invest in health, employment agencies, communication, wedding planners, parties, events, brides, pregnancy, and babies sector. Health improves every month. Take care of your bowel, sex organs, bladder, muscles, lungs, and liver. Love goes through changes. It’s likely for married couples to break up. Couples who wish to keep their relationship must invest in couples therapy. Singles are not dedicated enough and end up valuing friends and freedom more than romance. Home is a very important theme this year. You handle the situation at home with decisiveness. You take care of the children, money, and everyone’s emotions. It’s a little exhausting. The elderly are demanding attention. The children and grandchildren are doing well. If you want to make a Home renovation, enjoy this moment.
2022 repeats the financial scenario of the last 2 years. There is no news. You keep organizing the budget and cutting expenses. In 2024, you will feel the good result of this effort. Until then, your career is not your focus. You focus on living better with what you have. The advantages are in the management of wills and in the creative sector. Invest in arts, crafts, antiques, creativity, marketing, advertising, health, children and baby themes, parties and fun, leisure, and adventure sports. Health is a little unbalanced in the Second Semester. Take care of your liver, legs, heart, thyroid, and throat. Love isn’t a big theme this year. Married people fight a lot and end up making individual decisions. They don’t break up, but they don’t find similarities. Singles want lots of parties, adventure, and casual encounters. Dating lasts a few months or weeks. The home goes through a lot of excitement. There are arrivals of babies in the family and family members getting married. This moves the entire family group. Home renovations are welcome. Children and grandchildren remain stable.
2022 is a very prosperous year with great advantages in financial speculation. There is no bigger office or promotion, but there is money in circulation. Excellent results for those who work with children, young people, electronic games, and topics aimed at teenagers. Adventures, parties, card games, and digital games are thriving. Invest in career coaches, housewares, architecture, interior design, leisure, children’s entertainment, finance, and aesthetics. Health remains strong. Take care of bones, lungs, muscles, heart, teeth, and hair. Love is stable. Married people remain united. It is not a year of conflict. Singles date, but do not decide to get married. It is a year to heal the pains of past loves. The home goes through a balanced phase. Relatives remain united and there is no disagreement. You can decide to move. You can buy a new house. If you want to do a renovation, go ahead. The children and grandchildren have a stable year.
2022 is an extremely prosperous year with advantages in technology and social media. Investing in quality electronics is a necessity. Good results for those who work with car and motorcycle resale, people transport, logistics, beverage sales, food from the sea, aesthetics, and fuel. Invest in telephony, communication, social media, aesthetics, yoga, gyms, Pilates studios, finance, homeware, architecture, and interior design. Health remains unstable. Take care of your stomach, legs, heart, feet, and mammary glands. Love passes through stability. Singles remain single. They are more concerned with their personal lives and are not dedicated to dating. Married people reaffirm the relationship. Home demands your attention. Relatives disagree. One of them may lose their temper and bring up themes of the past to you. It can be shocking to deal with this event. Perhaps the whole family ends up with a Psychologist, which would be ideal for you. The reforms are working well. The elderly can be a lot of work. Children and grandchildren remain stable in all this confusion.
2022 is an extremely prosperous year. It all starts with a job change or a deserved promotion. This new position brings the necessary resources. There are a lot of resources for you. Nothing comes from others. You do everything yourself. There are advantages in media, people transport, logistics, food, hotels, and real estate business. Invest in finance, communication, aesthetics, education, household items, architecture, interior design, third sector, parties, and social gatherings. Health remains strong. Take care of your feet, heart, and anxiety. Love does not receive Planetary activation. If you are single, you must remain single. At the most, you will have a few dates. Nothing too exciting. Married people remain united with little excitement. Your home remains quiet until mid-August. After that, the family can cause problems. Some fights happen and you must remain neutral. You spend a lot of time at home. You work through the home. A renovation can make the environment suitable for this role. Stable children and grandchildren.
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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For a private reading, you can contact Claudia via email.