Expertise, quality and technique – Your stars for March 2018

MARCH, 2018 by ClaudiaVannini
March starts extremely active with Full Moon in Virgo. Between 01st and 09th of March, the Planet receives all the astral support to perfect its demands. Expertise, quality and technique are exalted at this stage. Improvisations are rejected and good professionals gain power of action. Science and Technology receive financial momentum. On the 10th, Jupiter enters its retrograde movement and not everything grows so fast. That which is exaggerated or inflated tends to be reduced until July, 2018. Some projects are reorganized and everyone looks for simpler ways to use money. Everything that is about the group has advantages like the use of cars by systems like Uber, rent of rooms by AirBnb and other ideas of sharing. Venus enters ARIES on March 7th. Throughout the month, we must avoid impulsiveness in affective and commercial relations.
There is an inner despair for new things. These may end until the 30th. Be very careful with high-risk speculation. With Venus in Aries, #cryptocoins attract the impulsive and unsuspecting to the market. There is no guarantee of substantial gain, not least because it will be sabotaged with the retrograde Mercury and virtual thefts. They will lose confidence gradually. Mercury retrogrades on March 23rd. It is the phase in which we need to review our writing, our speech and caring for electronics and computerized systems. Powerful antiviruses are survival tools. In March, real appreciation of real estate and increase in sales and rentals begins. It’s time to make money from your equity and explore #agribusiness in financial investments.See below how your SIGN and ASCENDENT feel the movement of the Planets:
Full Moon in VIRGO – March 1st

Waning Moon in SAGITTARIUS – March 9th

New Moon in PISCES – March 17th

Waxing Moon in CANCER – March 24th

BLUE MOON – Full Moon in Libra – March 31st


March is unforgettable to you! The entrance of Venus into your sign gives you more power to act. Business, buying and selling, investments and financial ties are growing. It is a moment of magic. You attract money and people realize that you are shining. This personal magnetism should be well used and shared, since you look even richer than it is. On the 17th, a phase of leadership begins at work. Somehow you’re the boss. Mars gives you all the tools to act and fulfill your dreams. Make it worthy and take with you as many people as you can.
LOVE – excellent

HEALTH – good
Mercury, regent of your Finances, will make a retrograde movement after the 23rd. Knowing this, organize your month to arrive on this date with the bills up to date. At work, the opportunities come in surprising ways. Venus in Aries gives you the ability to make money quickly and impulsively. Speculating can be a delightful activity in March. Even with so much excitement in everyday life, you feel a very strong spiritual calling. You rethink your faith, your beliefs and seeks religious groups that match your expectation. You’re lucky in lotteries, enjoy!
LOVE – excellent until the 19th.

HEALTH– excellent

The MOON commands your finances and in March we have two special Moons for you. At Full Moon you have good financial moments and can always leverage your business or career. Now, focus your attention on the Blue Moon. For you, it is a gift from the astral. Concentrate all your strength until March 9th and after the 31st. Interesting situations happen in the last week and you feel an impulse to live and act. Nothing falls from the sky, only you are more connected with the possibilities. Control your communication and reread your messages. Mercury is your regent and causes misconduct after the 23rd.
LOVE- stagnant by Jupiter retrograde

HEALTH- good after the 20th.
Do you believe in luck and miracles? For that is what the astral reserves for you. March has so many financial benefits that you should make the most of this month. Do not waste a minute because there is opportunity for new jobs, money that arrives unexpectedly and luck in speculation. Mars, Sun and Moon create a unique scene in the YEAR. Partnerships are successful and there are people from other regions keeping an eye on you. There may be an invitation to work in another state of the country and even travel overseas. This whole turmoil turns you into a great amulet on the work team or at school. Delicious!
LOVE- good until the 17th.
HEALTH- good until day 19. Extreme tiredness after day 19.
March brings new paths. Venus and Mars give great impulse to his career. The other states of the country and overseas countries seek your work. If you want to travel, it’s time. Focus on specific points. Eliminate excesses, share opportunities and make a mental, physical and material detox. Donate what you do not use, throw away old papers. Work well on your 8th house, where you share your resources and increase the prosperity of the other signs. This action gives you great feedback. Mercury, though retrograde, brings the money on time. After the 09th, everything happens quickly.
LOVE- stable
HEALTH- stable
Your career could be stagnant with Mercury’s retrogradation, but Venus and Jupiter come to your aid. With this, you can act positively and still help other signs to thrive. When we work well at our 8th house, everyone wins, and the Universe rewards us in the most surprising ways. Do it! Bring prosperity everywhere and make way for all. You will be the greatest beneficiary. There is money, work, and new investment through the action of Venus. Watch out for high-risk financial speculation. The family goes through confusions after the 10th. Avoid renovations.
LOVE- stable
HEALTH- unstable until the 20th
The Moon coordinates your professional life. With two Full Moons, you have good times in March. Your magic day in the year is the 31st, on the Blue Moon. On this day, you shine in a special way in front of the other signs. Make good use of this energy. Produce as much as you can until the 19th. After that, there is a certain slowness. Because you are ruled by Venus, you may feel the need to change your whole life. Control this inner despair. It’s Venus in Aries calling for radical changes. Until the 30th, that fire will die. Get ready to invest in a home renovation or purchase of new furniture and appliances.
LOVE – excellent
HEALTH – unstable and weakened
Jupiter is the Planet that commands your MONEY. As it retrogrades, you have to arrange a very detailed spreadsheet with the expenses and cash receipts. You do not run out of money, but you must have everything accounted for. Get organized for a slow financial phase between 10th and 20th March. The Sun cooperates with you after the 20th. Count on the help of influential and powerful people to break Jupiter’s stagnation. Notice a new job opportunity that arrives after the 20th. It’s time to shake up the professional life. New ideas come up and you can organize your work creatively.
LOVE – Excellent moment. Stay moderate with the many news arriving.
HEALTH – good until the 23rd. After that, take good care of yourself.
Organize your month in two steps. Until the 17th, you feel a certain slowness to realize your desires. The work keeps on happening, but it does not look as bright. On the 17th, everything changes. Mars gives a warrior boost to you. No place is too far, no goal is impossible. By observing this calendar, you will use your strength at the right time. There is money available, but you have to understand the slow moments of Jupiter, your regent. On some days, you can feel that everything has stopped. Observe and act with firm thoughts and focus on the larger goals. It will be 45 challenging days for your sign.
LOVE- excellent until the 23rd.
HEALTH- stable
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter collaborate with your month. If you are creative, you will find the right ways to make money. If you continue standing still, you may experience difficulties after the 23rd. It all depends on how you put yourself in front of the market. New solutions to old problems, this is your motto in March. The last 4 days of the month create a perfect setting for short-term speculation. Uranus helps to amaze and recover any financial loss. Mars affects your home and your family. It is likely that you will spend some extra money on a leak, remodeling, or buying equipment for the Home.
LOVE- excellent
HEALTH- weakened after the 20th.
You maintain a certain stability this month. Nothing surprising happens, but money continues to flow and prosperity is available. This month’s moons impact your emotions. Knowing how to put into the material world everything that your mind perceives is a training for March. If you know how to stop, breathe and meditate, you will be able to move great strength towards your achievements. If you go out acting in a rush, you will waste energy and have less material results. Pay attention to the thoughts because they are acting on the Earth. Notice how you look for novelties in love. It is Venus in Aries. Fire that ends on the 30th.
AMOR- excellent with impulsivity
HEALTH- good with a tendency to gain weight
March is divided into two phases. Until the 17th, New Moon in Pisces, you walk slowly. Mars does not collaborate much with your work and everything seems to drag on. After the 17th, a new scenario. physical strength. Mars puts you as the Great Warrior, ready to conquer new business, work and make money happen. You get a proposal to work on a second role or partner with a friend. It is prosperity for your astral year. Accept it! This phase of planting, with the Sun in your favor, will show results throughout the year. Following Universal Law, share and thrive.
LOVE- good until the 23rd
HEALTH- excellent
Image Credit: NASA

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