Cosmic Shifts and New Beginnings – Your Stars for January 2025
by Claudia Vannini
We begin the year with Mars and Pluto in confrontation. It is the same duo that caused confusion in November 2024. Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius enter into battle on January 1st. They continue like this until the 5th. The peak of this confrontation occurs on the 3rd, at 07:21 UTC. Knowing this, avoid complicated places on the Planet. It is a dangerous energy. On the 3rd, at 03:25 UTC, Venus enters Pisces. A delicate and profound moment for our feelings and affections. We want to live a romance and we seek love. No casual encounters. Everyone seeks a deep involvement of souls. This is the trend until February 3rd. On the 6th, at 10:43 UTC, Mars leaves the sign of Leo and heads to Cancer. It remains retrograde until February 23rd. Everyone wants to retreat. Many renovate their homes or move to another location. There is a desire to stay in our own den. On the 8th, at 10:30 UTC, Mercury enters Capricorn. We can prepare ourselves for clear and tough conversations. Our thoughts become clear and we can make decisions more easily. Some may become insensitive. It continues like this until January 26th.
If you want to schedule a wedding ceremony, schedule it for January 19th. Venus and Saturn embrace in Pisces. It is romantic and quite structured.
On the 19th, at 19:01 UTC, the new Aquarius of this Planet are born. Congratulations to all who see new worlds.
On the 22nd, at 00:28 UTC, that moment we have been waiting for: Sun and Pluto join hands, in Aquarius. Everyone feels the force of transformation. Something has changed in us, in society and in the collective. It is a special moment.
On the 30th, Uranus in Taurus returns to its direct movement. We can expect news in the financial world. New fees, taxes or new money. Countries are making unusual deals and forming alliances with those least expected. By July 6th, 2025, we can expect economic changes across the planet. Be Happy on Earth!
Let’s set up our Lunar Calendar?
The month begins with the Moon in the New phase and in Capricorn.
A good time to sow new projects and launch ideas.
03rd – Emerging Moon in Aquarius, at 12:33 UTC. – A good time to gain strength.
06th – Waxing Moon in Aries, at 8:56 pm. – There are no guarantees at this time, persist.
10th – Gibbous Moon in Gemini, at 22:19 UTC. – A good time to persevere on a topic.
13th – Full Moon in Cancer, at 22:26 UTC – Highs, maximum energy, exaggerations.
17th – Disseminating Moon in Virgo, at 17:35 UTC. – A good time to break patterns.
21st – Waning Moon in Scorpio, at 20:30 UTC. – Retreat, audit, finalizations and breakups.
25th – Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius, at 21:12 UTC. – Good moment for healing, forgiveness and breakups.
30th – New Moon in Aquarius, at 00:35 UTC. – Good moment for launching businesses and ideas.
A frenetic pace marks the beginning of the year. Between the 1st and 6th, you overdo it. Even when you’re not at work, you don’t stop. After the 7th, you retreat. You want to stay home and work from home. In any case, the best tip for your month is to slow down. Don’t be surprised if you feel like quitting your job and giving it all up. You rethink your routine and start doing the math. You evaluate whether your sacrifice is worth it. It would be better if you calmly prepared for a change. Finances are moving along in moderation. There’s no shortage and there’s no surplus, so get organized. Your health needs attention, especially in your chest. Do mobility exercises and stretch. Love is fun. You have a chance, especially on the 31st. It’s the perfect day for a romantic encounter. Married people need understanding because there are a lot of emotions involved for Aries.
The month promises to bring some movement to your work. Everything is moving slowly in the first few days. You feel like you are thinking a lot about changes that could be made in your professional life. You are looking for a new job or starting to study a new subject. You want to work with something that fills your soul. All this philosophical work will result in practical changes at the end of the month. You will find the best place or vocation to carry out your activities. Between the 29th and 31st, opportunities will arise. Don’t anticipate, wait for the New Moon. Your finances remain balanced. You organize your budget and control your investments. There are no sudden gains or losses. Your health remains good. Your neck needs care. Watch your posture when you are browsing social media. Love is going through happy times and singles have good opportunities to start a happy relationship.
January starts with a lot of activities and you keep up with this fast pace. You attend all the meetings and continue to celebrate the new year. On the 7th, you turn your attention to your home. You start a small renovation or go looking for a new place to live. Work is going well, there are no major changes this month. Your finances are showing good results. The problem is that you spend a lot and need to make a detailed spreadsheet. There is no shortage of money, but the bills for the end of the year start to arrive. In addition, you have the opportunity to take a longer trip. Maybe it wasn’t even in your plans. The idea comes to you in the first week of the month. And you dig through your treasure chest to find the money. Some Geminis choose to invest in a long course, a specialization to improve their career. Your health remains balanced. Take care of your chest and lungs. Love is not in the spotlight.
You start the year off on the right foot. You feel in control of your own life. This confidence makes your professional life easier. If you are looking for a promotion or a new job, get ready. The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th promises to stand out for you. Your finances are going well. If you didn’t spend too much in December, you will start the year with a positive balance. If you did spend too much, you will have to adjust. There is no extra income, but enough to manage your month. Your health is still good. If you feel your mood changing, remember the strain on your stomach. Do something fun so as not to hurt your stomach and lungs. Swimming, Pilates, yoga or some fighting can release anxiety. The month is good, but you are overloading your emotions. Your body pays the bill. Love is good at the end of the month. There is a chance of a new relationship between the 29th and 31st. Married couples manage their relationships well.
January begins and you notice that something is out of place. It could be at work or in your personal life. Don’t worry. After the 7th, your finances will start to move again. There may be delays in payments. There is no shortage of money, but it is a good idea to organize a financial schedule. There are good possibilities for those who work from home. It is more advantageous than going to the company, at least in January. Business flows well when you team up with friends. Don’t do everything alone. Talk to your colleagues and look for the best paths. By exchanging ideas, solutions will appear. Your health remains balanced. Remember to start taking care of your muscles and bones. Physical exercise is necessary this year. Do a foot soak. Between the 1st and 7th, get plenty of rest. Love remains balanced for married people. Single people have good dating opportunities, especially between the 29th and 31st of January.
Changes at work. You start the year doing the same activities as the previous year. As the days go by, you start to rethink how much you have dedicated yourself and how much you have received in return. You notice things are out of balance. And you start to move towards a new job or corporate changes. You want balance and fairness in the division of tasks. You are not lazy, but you are not willing to carry the whole burden by yourself. After the Full Moon, on the 13th, you can schedule a meeting with your colleagues to discuss details. If you are looking for a job, it is after the Full Moon that opportunities appear. Finances remain balanced. There are no large profits this month. You are focusing all your attention on working conditions and not on revenue. Health remains good. The digestive system needs affection. Love flows well for singles and married people.
The time has come to rethink your career and professional choices. You continue in the same job, but you start to think about other options. You analyze your knowledge and decide whether it is time to enroll in a course. It does not have to be a specialization. Maybe you want to start something completely new. During January, you analyze all the possibilities and can make your decision until the 31st. Ideally, you should not decide right at the beginning of the month. Give your mind time to evaluate all the ideas. Talk to friends and colleagues you trust. There is no tendency for partnerships, so it can be something just for you. Finances are moving along smoothly. There are no surprises. Your health remains good. Take care of your chest and lungs. Love is the star of your month. There is lively romance to fill your heart.
January is a calm month for you. There are no major events or surprises. You continue with your work and continue to earn money. You don’t feel like making major changes, so you adapt your budget to your income. Your spending is focused on the home. You either do a major renovation or look for a new address. Even though it’s a month of summer, sun and beach, you want to stay home. You’re not so keen on parties and traveling. You’re thoughtful and analyze the events of 2024. You think, rethink and mentally build your new year. This philosophical work is very important because you’ll soon be moving. Then, everything will be planned in your mind. Your health remains balanced. Take care of your heart and blood pressure. Remember to check it from time to time. Love goes through quiet moments. You don’t want any hustle and bustle and seek a homely love.
The month seems confusing, but things start to get going. After the 7th, you see the details of your professional life and start to move. This movement could be towards a new job or a refresher course. You feel that you need to do something for your career. Listen to that inner voice. It’s a sign that you’ll soon have some new things and you want to prepare yourself. If you have any debts with taxes or public fees, get ready to pay them. The charges come early in the month. You reorganize the way you manage your money. You realize that everything is messed up and you want to have control over what you earn. January is a great month to adopt new financial habits. Your health remains balanced. Remember to take care of your digestive system. Love gains strength between the 29th and 31st. On these days, you may be disappointed by friends. Married couples remain at peace.
January brings demands on partnerships and marriage. You spend the whole month thinking about how much you dedicate yourself to a person or company. You evaluate whether you are receiving the same amount and start planning an enlightening conversation. Don’t rush. Wait until the evening of the 18th. After that, you can schedule your conversation. Your finances are crying out for help. You don’t even know where the money went. Either you spent a lot at the end of last year, or you’ve already started celebrating the New Year in January. It’s time to put everything in a spreadsheet to organize your budget. The money is there, but it may be lost in credit card bills. Stop and reorganize. Your health is good. Your bones and muscles need care, do the necessary exercises. Love improves at the end of the month. After the 29th, couples get back together. Singles have a few relationships, but without harmony.
The first 6 days of January are focused on relationships and your personal life. You spend a lot of time trying to organize your emotional chaos. On the 7th, you change course. You start taking care of yourself and put several things aside. Your health is making intense complaints and you realize that you have reached your limit. It could be an emotional issue or a muscular problem. It is nothing new. It is something that you have been dragging around since 2024. Now is the time to seek a diagnosis and treatment. Your professional life seems to be at a standstill, but after the 20th, it starts to flow again. There are no delays in your finances. The suggestion is to seek mental balance. Although you want to start new things, your mind needs to reset. It could be a solitary vacation or a spiritual retreat. Something needs to be done to get your ideas flowing again. Love is chaotic and then it stops being your focus. You cool off and don’t dedicate yourself.
A beautiful astral movement is your gift for January. Venus in Pisces brings color to your love life. And it’s not just about loving someone else. We’re talking about self-care and self-esteem. Since the 3rd, you’ve been feeling this inner change. Of course, everything around you has a positive impact. Your professional life hasn’t shown any major changes, but you relate to your colleagues, bosses and clients in a different way. You feel in control of the situation. You manage issues masterfully. Your financial life is still good. There are no major expenses or losses. It’s a month with good gains. You can go back to speculating if you master the subject. Your health remains balanced. Take good care of your feet, tendons and ligaments. The digestive system also requires delicacy. Love is the icing on the cake. There are romantic moments. Single people have several dates. Married people have a harmonious month.