Bravery and Creativity – Your Stars For March 2024
by ClaudiaVannini
A month without retrograde Planets, but with a Lunar Eclipse. Events happen quickly across our Planet. There is no monotony. With the Eclipse, on the 25th, we will close a theme in our life. On April 8th, we will complete this Cycle of transformations with another Solar Eclipse. We closed one door in March to open another, on April 8th. Eclipses are moments of change and evolution. Each sign has its theme. Below you can find yours. Eclipses affect us for 6 months, so make your plans and work for the best changes.
On the 10th, Mercury enters Aries. We became brave and excited. Our mind and our speech follow a bold line. We can exaggerate our enthusiasm and become reckless. It is important to use this energy well. Big projects are leveraged by bold thinkers. Those who are anxious should organize a calmer schedule with moments of meditation. Body massages, reflexology and acupuncture help during this phase. This cycle runs until May 14th, so there are 2 months of extra attention. Lots of thoughts and some mental confusion. Despite this, it is a phase of great creativity and enthusiasm. The conversations are fun and the mood is better. The kids are electric. It’s good to take them off the smartphone and put them to draw, play with clay, cut and paste paper. Young people can paint with watercolors. All of these artistic tools collaborate and quiet the mind.
On the 11th, Venus moves into Pisces. Intimate relationships gain depth. Until April 4th, emotions are more delicate and some become sensitive. Dating and marriages need more dialogue and sincerity. Empathetic listening must be exercised. Some become melancholy. This melancholy will pass in April when Venus moves into Aries. Then, the excitement will return with strength for those in love.
On the 20th, at 03:07 UTC, the Sun enters Aries. Babies born from this time onwards will be the new Aries to inhabit the Earth. Be welcome. We truly need your courage. You are light.
On the 22nd, Mars enters Pisces. This is a delicate moment for our Planet. Until April 29th, radical religious and ideological groups get out of control and take drastic actions. At the end of April, some battles may end. Others take their place. It is a cycle of fights between countries, in an attempt to reorganize the bankrupt Globalization. Brexit could be a topic at the end of March.
On the 25th, we have the first LUNAR ECLIPSE of the year. It’s the FULL MOON in Libra, at 07 AM UTC. The Moon hides behind the Earth. It is in the shadow of the Earth. You will close your door and be grateful for the experience you had. Everything on this Planet is experience. It’s a holography, so don’t take it too seriously. Do your best, but don’t get upset because some events happen without your participation. Create, co-create and deliver this energy to the Universes. Just as you donate this driving energy, you receive something from another Universe. And the existential wheel continues. Be Happy on Earth!
Shall we organize the Lunar Agenda?
01st – Disseminating Moon in Scorpio – suitable for breaking patterns
03rd – Waning Moon in Sagittarius – collection, audit, finalizations
08th – Balsamic Moon in Aquarius – good for healing, forgiveness and breakups
10th – NEW MOON in Pisces – suitable for launching business and ideas
15th – Emerging Moon in Gemini – suitable for gaining strength
17th – Waxing Moon in Cancer – there are no guarantees, persist
23rd – Gibbous Moon in Virgo – good for persevering
25th – LUNAR ECLIPSE – FULL MOON in Libra – peaks, maximum energy
The Eclipse takes place in your 7th house. Its themes are marriage, partners and partnerships. It is time to review a relationship and, if necessary, break it. You can request a divorce or communicate that the relationship is over. You can end an old business partnership. Everything that happens will be part of the conclusions that this Eclipse brings. In April, in the next Eclipse, you will open the right doors. Professional life receives a big boost this month. You can change jobs by your initiative. Eclipses also change your routine. Your habits, your vocation and your home. There is a tendency to make small renovations to the house. Relatives need you a lot and the elderly require more attention. Health remains good. Write down your dreams, even the oddest ones. You receive many insights when you sleep and are open to the spiritual world. If you wish, practice meditation and yoga. Look for a course or class that works with energy and allows your mind to develop.
Good Days: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29
The Eclipse takes place in your 6th house. Its themes are vocation, routine and habits. The month offers good financial opportunities. Those who speculate have great results. The work environment is undergoing major changes. It could be a change of location, bosses or new rules. You have the option to adapt or take advantage of Eclipse to change jobs. Be flexible with new developments and small problems that can affect your mood. Electronic equipment and engines break easily at this stage. The best thing would be for you to just ask for lifts this month. You shouldn’t drive. If you have no option, drive very carefully and let others move on. Don’t compete and practice defensive driving. It is advisable not to travel on the day of the Eclipse, not even by plane. Your health remains very good. Love goes through a beautiful moment. You may meet someone who will be a partner for many years. Knowing this, pay attention to encounters that happen by chance, including at work.
Good Days: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30
The Eclipse shakes up your 5th house. Its themes are creativity, fun, leisure, pets, dating and children. Some women may give up on having children or end the fertilization process. You can sell something that was used for fun or as a hobby. It may change the way you guide your children and grandchildren. It is a necessary transformation. It will happen visibly or slowly over 6 months. You can adopt a pet and end a relationship. Don’t worry about this phase. In April, you will realize where the best paths are. Love remains stable. The work goes through changes. A lot of responsibility is concentrated on you. Knowing this, organize a flexible schedule in your personal life. Don’t make too many appointments because work can take a lot of your time. Your health calls for rest and care. Stress increases and you may fall ill around the Eclipse. Drive carefully and protect your electronics.
Good: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 28
The Eclipse takes place in your 4th house. Its themes are the home and relationships with relatives. You end a theme about the property. You may decide to move or buy land to build in another location. Prepare for an emergency home renovation. It could be a pipe that bursts or a washing machine that breaks. Family members ask for your presence. The elderly become fragile. The children in the house are protected. If family relationships are too difficult, you may become distant from some relatives. Your work offers a chance for change in the last days of the month. Take the opportunity to change jobs. There are no financial changes, so manage your budget. Love remains stable. Your health will undergo a natural Lunar Eclipse detox. Nausea and diarrhea are common during Eclipse week. Knowing this, eat well and drink lots of water. Avoid the consumption of alcoholics and processed foods. Let go of what is stagnant in your body. Rest more.
Good Days: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ,12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28
The Eclipse moves your 3rd house. Its themes are communication, short studies and short trips. You may notice that your communication was not effective last semester. You can choose a new way of writing and speaking. You can cancel a trip or end your enrollment in a course. These changes are necessary to be able to open the right doors in April. Electronic equipment takes some work. An old computer can be replaced. This will help with the speed of communication. Your smartphone may freak out, but give it a vote of confidence. After the Eclipse everything works again. Knowing that your topic involves communication, remember to make copies of your files. Drive carefully. Avoid air travel on Eclipse day. Love improves a lot in the last week of the month. Until then, it remains lukewarm. Your health remains good, but you must fit in moments of rest. There is no big news at work. Keep copies of meetings and emails.
Good Days: 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 27, 28
The Eclipse happens in your 2nd house. It’s time to change the way you manage or earn money. Some contracts can be broken. You can quit your job. All of this is the end of a financial cycle. In April, you will start anew. Knowing this, organize your budget. Cut excesses and stay one step below your purchasing power. Save money. Some payments arrive late, so be ready to use your reserve fund. Your relatives need you more, especially the elderly. Be nearby. Love remains very lively. You find spiritual peace in the relationship. Health demands attention. Eclipses are impactful for you, so avoid adventures that put you at risk. Do not travel by plane on Eclipse day. Prepare backup copies of important files. Protect electronics and engines. As your energy drops, meditate and say your prayers. Avoid negative thinking and remember that other doors will open.
Good Days: 1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30
The Eclipse takes place in your 1st house. Its themes are the Self, self-image and the image you want to show the world. You abandon some certainties and concepts. Family members and close friends may find your change in behavior strange, but it is necessary to close doors. Some doors will be closed only in your heart and no one will know. These are changes that happen in 6 months. In April, you will have the opportunity to transform everything you want. Your family requests your presence a lot, so go out of your way to be there. The elderly in the family may experience some illness. Keep an eye on them. Your job may change. New rules, new bosses. There is an opportunity for a new job. Love is lively. There is a chance of starting a very fun relationship. Your partner is a protective person and that pleases you. Your health is a special theme this month. You seek diagnosis and want to regain strength and energy. Invest in treatments and dedicate yourself to improving.
Good Days: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30
The Eclipse takes place in your 12th house. Its themes are spirituality, the ancestors, karmic memories and paranormal contact. You might end your activity in a philosophical study group or change the way you view your ancestry. It’s time to close the door on family sorrows. If you can’t, seek help from a psychologist. Some relatives need you. Keep an eye on the elderly. This Eclipse shakes your parents, uncles and grandparents. Your children are still very excited and you can have a lot of fun with them. The month is very prosperous. You get a good return on the work done. If the opportunity arises to work in a distant location, go. Travel is welcome this month. Just, avoid traveling on Eclipse Day. Your health seems fragile in the first few days of the month, but your energy grows with each passing day. Love happens lightly. There is no desire to establish a relationship. You want to have fun and find someone with the same feeling.
Good Days: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
The Eclipse shakes up your 11th house. Its themes are friendships, social groups and the institutions you attend. Consider the company where you work, the church, the club, your friends and social media groups, hospitals, schools and NGOs. You can end a friendship or leave a club you frequent. Don’t worry. There is disappointment in the air, so let it go. In April, you will make new friends and discover new places. The work continues lively, until the 25th. After that, don’t do anything new. Don’t make big commitments in the last week of the month. Finances remain stable. Your health is good, but you will lose a lot of vital energy during this Eclipse. So, fit in moments of rest between the 24th and 26th. Avoid traveling in the last week of the month. Pay close attention to suspicious links. You can suffer electronic scams and have your bank account hacked. Knowing this, only access what you already know well and on your devices. Stable love.
Good Days: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30
The Lunar Eclipse moves your 10th house. Its themes are professional life, career and current job. You may change jobs or see the institution where you work completely changed. New leaders, new investors and new proposals. It will be 6 months of news in this sector. Anyone who wants to make a career transition can develop well. The month offers good opportunities for studies. Specializing and deepening knowledge is a desire that this Eclipse awakens. Travel is welcome, even if it is for work. But, on the 24th, 25th and 26th, reduce your schedule. Your body will feel the Eclipse. Some may experience nausea or intestinal problems. Overall, your health is great. Love goes through some disagreements. It is not a favorable month for establishing a relationship. The marriage can go into decline and, after the Eclipse, regain strength. Stay calm in that sense. Finances are going very well. Those who speculate have results.
Good Days: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
The Eclipse takes place in your 9th house. Its themes are other countries, distant regions in your country, travel, contact with foreigners, long studies and your faith. You can end a travel plan, end enrollment in a course, or break contracts with foreigners. This happens over the next 6 months. Your faith transforms. You can continue with the same ideology, but you will have a new relationship with the divine. Accelerate your projects between the 10th and 24th. It is a prosperous phase full of vital energy. Your work environment may undergo major changes. Bosses can leave, trusted people and colleagues can get sick. If you work in a team, be prepared to improvise and adapt to a new work routine. Some may change jobs. Finances are protected and speculators have excellent results. Your health remains stable and largely depends on your diet. Improve this issue. Love remains strengthened.
Good Days: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
The Eclipse shakes up your 8th house. Its themes are personal power, sex life and wealth. You feel a great transformation in the way you present yourself to the world. This internal change will be noticed by others. You will say your “No” with confidence and little chance of remorse. A romantic relationship, with greater sexual appeal, can end. You want a more spiritual encounter. If you have an inheritance to receive, you can count on movement in this sector. The money does not always come immediately, but the legal process can undergo changes and adjustments. Compensation may be paid. Your focus right now is taking care of your body. You want an agile and beautiful body. Dedicate yourself more to that. Love is lively and health continues well. There are no major changes at work. The 8th house brings reflection on life and death. You can rethink this topic throughout the month and evaluate what is truly worth it in your life. There is a certain existential crisis in this Eclipse. It will pass.
Good Days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14 ,22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30