MONDAY Cure – Smooth Tune
Mondays can be hard at times. For instance, when you’re having a headache because that one last basil smash was just too much. Maybe you overslept because you didn’t feel like starting the week AT ALL. Or you just didn’t want to see the bored faces at work. You know what? Screw that! Mondays are more than that – new beginnings, brighter days, new chapters. Mondays are basically just poor weekdays with a hell of a bad reputation. Please be kind to Monday and Monday will love you back. Yeah, I know… It’s hard to love Mondays but when was love ever easy?
Let’s start this day with a smooth tune which gives you chills and makes you wanna dance at the same time. Appreciate the moment and be happy about the simple things in life, like breathing, dancing, being able to love, laughing, good food and for sure a nice drink. Cheers!
This is the UK producer Crvvcks (pronounced “crooks”) feat. Javeon – Leaves.
Credit video: YouTube