A busy month – Your stars for March 2019
March, 2019 by ClaudiaVannini
A busy month in the Astral. Mercury enters its retrograde movement between the 6th and 28th. Delays and mismatches are natural. Organize your calendar and confirm messages, invitations, and reservations. Electronics and motors break easily. Back up your cell phone and computer. Renew your antivirus. Flights will be canceled at major airports, causing the cascade effect in delays. If you are traveling abroad, arrange a plan B. Uranus also goes to Taurus. Until 2026, changes for all signs. March and April get two Full Moons in Libra. The themes transformed in March show effective results in April. These are 60 very active days here on Earth.
Because our Planet has been fairly accelerated, this retrograde Mercury can be good. Events can be smoother for everyone. Venus in Pisces, on the 26th, also collaborates with relationships and brings compassion to Earth.
Follow the Lunar phases and plant your seeds on the New Moon.
New Moon in Pisces – 06th
Waxing Moon in Gemini – 14th
Full Moon in Libra – 20th
Waning Moon in Capricorn – 28th
Good changes to all. Read your #SIGN and ASCENDENT
ARIES – Uranus moves your financial life. You start a new 7-year cycle on how you earn your money. Watch it! It is a moment of rapid movement and can be extremely positive. After a phase of interior changes, it is time to put into practice everything you have internally taken care of. You know what works for financial stability. Move in that direction. You have multiple skills, but one is the most profitable. Concentrate your strength. Mercury allows the release of the fears of the past. Work it out in therapy. Love receives influence from the social group. It could be a passion for a friend or a meeting your Love on social media. Health at a stable time.
TAURUS – March brings the awakening! Uranus in Taurus moves your Self, your life and all the sectors where you act. Changes are welcome. People who live with you will notice a certain rebelliousness. In marriage, you may look different and unstable. It is transforming and waking up to your inner needs. Facilitate the processes and communicate your intentions so you don’t seem unpredictable. Take care of your health and seek new therapies for the body. Relationships that restrict you will be broken. It is impossible for you to be the same after 7 years of change. Watch your finances carefully in March because Mercury delays your earnings. Enjoy the Full Moon and abandon harmful habits that undermine your strength.
GEMINI – Psychological changes transform your life. Uranus moves your memories, your past and everything you hide. Your truths come out strongly and you have to deal with the issues deeply. It is a period of great personal advancement. In your professional life, a new business can arise. Accept the proposal, but be aware that this movement is slow. During the Full Moon, you will understand the complete scenario of your actions. The month of April will bring effective results. Stay focused on goals and not so much on short-term results. Love goes through troubles and your partner asks for attention. There are no disruptions. Health suffers a little with the emotional turmoil. Look for therapies that approach your soul.
CANCER – Uranus puts pressure on your work life. Now, the theme in movement is social life. You leave groups that do not match with you and attract people attuned to your truths. It is a very joyful moment. Prepare to participate in new institutions and organizations. If you change your job, it will certainly be through a friend or organization to which you belong and adapt. Do not be alarmed if you return to your studies. It’s a good month for new knowledge. The family brings affective themes to be solved. The Full Moons of March and April will create drama. Rest for your health to remain balanced. Take care of your Love life. If you’re married make sure to keep the relationship alive.
LEO – Total strength in work life. Your career receives stimulus from Uranus. If you are aware of your vocation, prepare yourself for a phase of recognition and success. Money accompanies this growth. If you do not feel happy in your vocation, Uranus makes you wake up. You can lose reputation and fall financially. Be aware! It’s a special moment that will change your next 7 years. Align your Self to your work and everything will turn out well. Seek the stability in Taurus so that your luminous Leo’s side shines. Put safe principles in your life and walk with less arrogance and more competence. Finances are re-evaluated and some cuts are made. You have 2 months of adjustments. Active communication in relationships.
VIRGO – Uranus shakes your beliefs. You can organize the routine according to how you see the world. A career can be abandoned for a new choice. It is a propitious time to do what is necessary. If you need to move, go. If you need to change jobs, face it. You do not get so worn out with personal desires and can move more safely. Health suffers from emotions. Treat the emotions and the body will respond. Love goes through resolutions until the 26th. The end of the month is better in terms of Love. Money does is basic this month. Sell some patrimony to bear the expenses and accept partnerships. There is an increase in personal power. It will be 7 agitated years in the beliefs and contact with other countries. Open your mind to the new.
LIBRA – Uranus moves your finances. It’s time to change the way you manage your power and achievements. You change your investments or contract high-value financing. It may be time to receive an inheritance or retire. The sex life is transformed. Emotions are intense and sexual fantasies populate your mind. You face two Full Moons in your sign. In March and April. This calls for attention to health and, especially, emotional distress. Treat your emotions. Everything is intense and your outlook is not rational. Love goes through some resolution. It is the month to break it or decide to invest in the relationship. There is also an opportunity for a new job. It can come through someone from your past as a former colleague who tells you of the opportunity. Intense!
SCORPIO – Prepare for the news in Love. Uranus moves your relationships. In the next 7 years, you find love or even several loves. If you are married, you can divorce or set new rules for living together. It’s an electrifying moment in the affections. At the beginning of the month, a love from the past can return. Everything should be new in Love. There is an opportunity for employment and good business. You feel disposed to work and generate money. It is not a moment of abundance, but you get what you need. There are new partnerships. Your health is in a good phase and the moments on Earth are fun and enjoyable. Children and stepchildren cheer the house. Babies want to be in your life, so plan yourself.
SAGITTARIUS – Your daily life is transformed by Uranus. A new routine settles in the next 7 years. New schedules, new jobs, and more flexibility to move around on a daily basis. Habits change. It could be a new diet, a new sport. Love is not in the spotlight. Sex and romance enter a quieter phase. Watch out for real estate deals. A buy or sell can happen and, still in March, undergo changes. Read all contracts carefully. There is also the opportunity for a renovation in the current house. Get all the details before March 6th. Take care of your health carefully and follow all treatments to the end. Renew friendships and social groups. It is not a month of abundance.
CAPRICORN – Uranus brings changes in the way you have fun, in the creativity and pleasures that you live on Earth. A hectic romance can come. Children also come into your life. Creativity is a theme for all of March. Your communication becomes active and punctual. Excellent time for those who work with marketing, retail, writing, and journalism. There is financial growth. Speculation brings big returns in March. Your health is better, but do not abuse it by changing the routine. Try to keep up with the same eating habits. Make big decisions by the end of the month. After 27th, everything that was done brings good results. Even in finance. Professional life shows results until the end of April. It’s 2 months of intense career success.
AQUARIUS – Uranus shakes your Home. Get ready for a change of residence in the next 7 years. In addition to geographical change, you can live with other people. They can be colleagues or a new Love. Reforms are also on your schedule. Finances are hit. Things do not go the way you want and it’s the right month to rearrange them. You can take on a greater workload or reduce work with assertiveness. In any case, money requires reviewing and new strategies. It is not a month of plenty. Get organized to optimize your earnings. You have a greater interest in friends who generate successful networking. Participate in events and congresses. Love can happen in the workplace and at school. Stable health.
PISCES – Uranus ends the tumultuous financial cycle you’ve been living. Now is the time to move your communication. A new way of expressing yourself. Excellent for sales and all kinds of communication. There are changes in partnerships. Avoid radical decisions because Mercury can dissolve your certainties by the end of the month. You’ll come to a conclusion by the end of March. Money comes during the Full Moon. It can be by inheritance, loan, extra payment or through family members. This cycle lasts 2 months and is the perfect opportunity to pay off debts and taxes. Rely on the changes coming from Uranus, Venus, and Mars. Health is greatly benefited. Your Self is in the first place and there is so much interest in marriage. Even so, the singles are shining.
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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For private reading you can contact Claudia via email: pegadaastrologica@gmail.com
Image Credit: NASA