Cosmic energies – Your Stars for November 2021

Get ready to close a door in your life. It’s the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, which arrives on November 19th. Eclipses move cosmic energies. The Moon is hidden by the Earth’s shadow. These magnetic changes start 15 days earlier. Then, on November 4th, you will feel that something has to be done. Each sign has a specific theme. Below is your focus of change. An Eclipse is an opportunity. A door that closes now. On December 4th, another one will open. The tip is to avoid taking big steps or revolutionizing your whole life. In the shadows, there is no clarity. We don’t see all the details. This care applies to signing documents, deals, contracts, and elective surgeries. If you can, postpone the decisions to December 6th. The month also brings news on the 5th. Venus enters Capricorn and Mercury goes to Scorpio. This pair transforms our actions. In the affective field, we become more determined and less passionate. In the mental field, we go deeper into thoughts and perceptions. It’s an excellent time to spot trends and probe for new environments. Our antennas are picking up a lot. Less emotion and a broader vision. It’s healthy for everyone! Good ECLIPSE!

Let’s organize the Lunar calendar?
01st – Balsamic Moon in Libra – conducive to healing and forgiveness
04th – NEW MOON in Scorpio – beginning of Cycle
08th – Emerging Moon in Capricorn – propitious to take strength
11th – Crescent Moon in Aquarius – no guarantees
16th – Humpback Moon in Aries – conducive to persevering in a theme
19th – FULL MOON in Taurus – apexes
24th – Disseminating Moon in Leo – suitable for breaking patterns
27th – Wailing Moon in Virgo – collection and audit

Read your Sun Sign and Rising Sign. A good month everyone!

This month’s Lunar Eclipse moves your Money’s house. It’s the perfect time to pay off or refinance debt. Take this time to change your investments and make a major reorganization in the way you manage your finances. It is also suitable for resolving legal disputes and modifying study plans. A trip is welcome.
Good health and strengthen love. 
Good days: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10,11,17,18,20,21,29 and 30

This month’s Eclipse happens in your sign. Your Self undergoes great transformations. It’s time to abandon habits, behaviors and change the wardrobe. Review your life and remove what doesn’t define you. There is no way to continue with the old clothes. Your professional life benefits from new opportunities, but try to avoid unnecessary expenses. Unstable Health and Excellent Love. 
Good days: 1,2,3,8,9,11,13,17,20,21,23,28 and 30

The month’s lunar Eclipse moves your 12th house. It’s the opportunity to close the door on the past. Your memories can be re-signified. Emotionally, it’s not easy. But you can come out of this process very empowered. Finances also suffer from this Eclipse. Organize a very economical budget. Count on your relatives. Health remains good and Love is wonderful. 
Good days: 3,4,5,11,12,13,14,21,22,23,25 and 30

This month’s Eclipse moves your 11th house. You can review your friendships and also the institutions in which you participate. You can terminate an employment or religious relationship. Even the company you work for can close its doors. You also change habits and redefine your image. Money circulates well and financial speculation has good results. Love and Health in a good moment. 
Good Days 3,4,5,11,12,13,15,16,21,22,26 and 30

This month’s Lunar Eclipse takes place in your 10th house. Your professional life calls for an overhaul. It’s time to introduce new products and services. Some projects can be abandoned. A new job offer or partnership can take you to places you never imagined. Don’t be surprised. Accept it. Finances are going through a great moment and there are good negotiations ahead. Health and love are in an excellent phase. 
Good days: 1,2,3,8,11,17,18,21,23,27,28 and 30

This month’s Lunar Eclipse moves your 9th house. You can break a school bond or end your religious activities. A trip can be planned. But, the script can be changed. Electronic equipment can break. Finance asks for unprecedented solutions. Keep calm to resolve issues. Make life more flexible. Health remains strong, until the 22nd. Love in a Neutral phase. 
Good days: 2,3,8,11,13,18,21,24,27,29 and 30

The Lunar Eclipse moves your 8th house. It’s time to review how you deal with personal and sexual power. You may feel confronted by some authority. This can lead to an aggressive reaction. Avoid confrontations and know how to get around adversity. Finances remain strong. Professional life is in a stable phase. Health is excellent and Love is in great shape. There are sexual adventures for you.
Good days: 1,3,4,5,9,13,18,22,23,25,28 and 30

This month’s Eclipse moves your 7th House. Partnerships are tested. You can break up a partnership or file for divorce. In return, you can restore those relationships with wisdom. After the 22nd, the finances show excellent results. Good surprises light up the last week of the month. Love in a surprising phase. Unexpected encounters can happen. Excellent health.
Good days: 3,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,17,18,21,25,26,28 and 30

This month’s Eclipse moves your 6th house. It’s time to rethink your vocation. Daily habits are also subject to change. Excellent opportunity to end an addiction. Diet, exercise, and natural therapies may interest you. It’s time for a change in the way you present yourself to the world. You feel free and refreshed. A new body. Neutral love and excellent health.
Good days: 1,2,3,8,9,10,11,13,20,23,24,27,28,29 and 30

This month’s Eclipse moves your 5th house. You can review how you use your creativity and how you have fun. You can see that you’ve been swallowed up in the routine. Crafts and music can brighten your month. You can choose a new way of dealing with your children. Your finances need extra attention, until the 22nd. Avoid bold investments. Health remains excellent and love is in a good phase.
Good Days: 1,2,3,8,9,10,17,18,21,28,29 and 30

This month’s Lunar Eclipse moves your 4th House. You can move or do a major renovation. Relatives can surprise you. Your relationship with them can be transformed, including through breakups. Try to transform history without destroying it. The finances remain strong and there are good results in speculation. Love in the neutral phase. Health requires care, until the 22nd.
Good days: 1,3,4,5,9,11,12,13,14,21,23,28 and 30

This month’s Lunar Eclipse moves your 3rd House. Time to close a topic on education and communication. It’s a good time to finish a course. If you are dissatisfied, you can drop out of your current school. You can also close a matter that has been pending for a long time. Your career is going through great expansion and there is good news in this sector. Optimal Health and Neutral Love.
Good days: 3, 4, 6, 7,11, 12,13, 16, 21, 22, 23, and 30

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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For a private reading, you can contact Claudia via email.

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