Train your patience – Your stars for April 2018
APRIL, 2018 by ClaudiaVannini
Until April 15th, we train our patience with Mercury retrograde. We continue to look at our communication with special attention and confirm reservations, schedules and email. After the 15th, Mercury returns to its natural motion. Jupiter remains retrograde and judicial processes are not benefited. There are slow resolutions and delays, returning to normal only in JULY, 2018. Saturn also enters its retrograde movement on April 18th. This is not a good time to risk a new job. Only do this if you are absolutely sure it is something guaranteed. The past returns on the 23rd. It is Pluto that enters its retrograde phase.
Until the end of SEPTEMBER, 2018 we revive some themes that have been open since 2017. This astrological event affects the whole Planet. Do not be surprised by figures from the past who reappear as if they had received new life. In fact, they resurface like this, but they are only sustained until the 30th of September. They lose force on OCTOBER 01st. The best news is that we do not have ECLIPSES in the first semester. It’s a relief after a rather hectic start to the year. As 2018 marks the beginning of a 7 year cycle, we have to live each stage in a special way. We are planting our future. April has a great formation between Jupiter and Pluto. This indicates the resumption of money, the payment of debts and profits on the stock exchange for the whole Planet.
A very prosperous month after the 20th. Until then, continue with your usual tasks. The Sun and Venus create a scenario conducive to expansion and it is your time to make money. Your career gets an impulse and new jobs are created by yourself. There is less dependence on other people and waiting for others is not an option in April. In addition to formal work, explore financial speculation. Evaluate the risks and invest if you have any experience in this area. There is so much focus on Home and family. Your horizons are open and you see the Planet as your home. Modify everything that does not work and create the conditions for your astral year to be joyful and prosperous like you. The Sun energizes your sign and protects your actions.
Health: excellent
LOVE: excellent
Full of success! You are benefited in April. Venus in Taurus moves your ability to generate money. Note that it is a planting phase. Everything that is done now, reflects until OCTOBER. If you know how to use all this astral energy to generate benefits, you will be rewarded. If you wait for something miraculous, you will have six months of stagnation. The Sun also collaborates, entering your sign on the 20th. It is another reinforcement for you to stand out. It is a very happy month and some themes will be solved in a natural way. Change what it takes to make your life as you dream. Use power intelligently and bring other people to your moment of prosperity. It’s the best way to keep the wheel of fortune spinning!
Health: excellent
LOVE: excellent until the 22nd. The 23rd begins a cycle of stagnation until September 30th.
Good opportunities for you, especially after April 15th. Until then, keep the routine persistent and wait for Mercury to return to it’s regular motion. Go in search of what you want. There is much to be done between April and May, but you need to move. Idealize and act boldly. The April sky is antagonistic and only you can define what your month will be like. While Pluto draws its forces after the 23rd, Venus arrives at your sign on the same day, and rebalances your energy. With this brightness you make the businesses walk and solves daily problems. If you are plunged into Plutonian density, surely nothing will happen. There is one bright and one dark side. You choose which side to focus on during April.
Health: stable until the 23rd
LOVE: stable
Career in the expansion phase. Take advantage to strengthen your networking. Attend events and stay in touch with people in your area. Improve digital communication. Use social networks with confidence and persistence. A lot of work comes this way. The Sun moves the corporate world and brings entrepreneurs and business to you. Some unexpected expense comes through Uranus and you are called to replace an object from your home. Family expenses should also be on your spreadsheet. On the 23rd, a phase of greater dedication to finance begins. You will decrease leisure and will increase time at work. This trend continues until the end of SEPTEMBER. Remember to take care of the emotions.
Health: unstable
LOVE: Stagnant
Great time for you after the 15th. As Mercury retrograded, your finances are stagnant. Live until then with what you have. Do not borrow or make new expenses. After the 15th, the money comes back to you and comes with great strength. Career Success is designed for you. Enjoy this good time. Make contacts, abuse networking and be in the right events. People recognize your ability and Venus expands your work. Be aware of your conduct, maintain a proper posture and do not get lost by vanity. Review your social presentation. It is a propitious time to take control of a group or be the leader of a theme. Take responsibility for it.
Health: stable
LOVE: excellent
The astral is collaborating with you. Although Mercury disrupts your whole life when he becomes retrograde, Venus comes to your benefit. Venus in Taurus expands your gains and softens the hurdles that Mercury causes. There is work and money for you, but stay tuned until April 15th. Only after that day do things begin to move on the material plane. Insist! In the last week of the month, you have special opportunities with people from the top. Important people or people who hold a higher position will bring benefits. Be on the social wheels and avoid isolation. If you are trapped at home will be more difficult. You have to be at all events. A love or work of the past can resurface.
Health: stable
LOVE: excellent
Heaven is not in a good mood about your finances. Pay close attention to expenses. Pluto and Jupiter delay the gains and their persistence is essential for things to continue to progress. Try to accelerate your business until the 23rd. Then, manage what you have been able to make. The benefactor of the month is Venus. It collaborates with your personal power and, even in adversity, gives you the opportunity to get what you need. April is a test of fire for your mood. The relief will come in May, so get ready for your little personal and financial war. After the 18th, your Home goes through restrictions. Saturn presses your whole family and this is where you have the biggest challenge. Put everyone in the process of cooperation. Meditate.
Health: very good
LOVE: Excellent with opportunity for SINGLES
Working in groups or with partners is positive. Partnering is right for you in April. The Sun conspires to make the members understand each other and make good gains. Money you’ll only see after the 20th. Until then, a lot of work and effort with patience to get results. The important thing is that the results will come. Mars, Sun and Venus bring new works. You can change jobs or get more work done from home. Accept it, it’s an expansion phase. Your networking is strengthened and you have to be in the events that are in your area. Join and show yourself! It is on this path that everything happens. On the 23rd, meditate and organize a healthy agenda until September. The past returns.
Health: good after the 15th.
LOVE: excellent with opportunities for SINGLE
April really begins on the 20th. It is on this date that you feel all the energy of the Sun and go in pursuit of your goals. Until then, there is a power play behind the scenes. Wait for the arrival of the 20th to go to the showdown. The career becomes your focus and there will be no time to work. Any time will be the best time. Accept extra work, it can be a start in a new industry. Mars benefits your finances. It is one of the best months of the year to make money and you should invest in solid partnerships. A lot happens when you are having fun with your co-workers. In a happy hour or at a company conference you do business that stays the year round. Be at all events in your area.
Health: excellent
LOVE: Excellent with opportunities in the work environment
Business is going well. April asks for a different way of acting. Instead of going to combat, use mental resources to project what you want. Meditate, think and then go to the front. This process, done in the wings, increases the conspiratorial capacity of Mars in Capricorn and saves time and energy. Being creative is how you move your month. Until the 20th, your home is benefited and work developed at home office brings prosperity. Be aware of accidents that occur through haste and inattention. Your aggressiveness is greater and, even when driving, you can be competitive. Remember that life on Earth is not a war. Put the guns on the ground.
Health: Unstable until the 20th
LOVE: Stagnant
April brings a discontent with your career. Even with finances up-to-date, you can feel the pressure of the retrograde Planets. Your mind is tumultuous and there are many new ideas that confuse your routine. Meditate, silence, and observe yourself. This is not a good time for big changes. Until the beginning of July, avoid revolutionizing your life. What really matters will remain in your mind until then. You get financial success because you’re more connected to the news in April. You want to study new subjects and wants to tell everyone what you have learned. This good social interaction is the way to move business. Work hard until the 23rd, and then devote your time to the Home and your family.
Health: stable
LOVE: stable
April brings you the chance to reorganize your career. A certain paralysis has settled in this sector and it is the moment to rethink the theme. Business still occurs with support from Mars, but there are doubts as to which way to go. Get thinking! By mid-July the answers will come. Your money is extended by the Home or by the family. Business done through home office or with support from relatives has quick result. Money circulates, but you want constant prosperity. Remember to work with clear planning. What you plan in mind is projected on Earth. After the 23rd, prepare for the return of the past. If you have issues to solve, they will come to you. Slow down on the last week.
Health: stable
LOVE: positive after April 15th.
Image Credit: NASA