The beginning of the revelations – Your stars for October 2018
Here is the foresight for October. Hope you have a Wonderful month!
October, 2018 by ClaudiaVannini
Venus goes into retrograde motion and it’s in Scorpio. All Planet Earth is asked to review finances and love. How will you feel this movement? It depends a lot on the way you conducted your year. If you had clarity in both sectors, you will pass through Venus with some tranquility. If you have hidden truths from yourself, you will have to confront them. Until the middle of November, this is the theme. In the NEW MOON in Libra, on the 8th, everyone feels the shock with Pluto. It is the beginning of the revelations. Until the FULL MOON in Taurus on October 24th, everything will be cleared up. On that day, the Lunar Node, the Sun and the Moon act on the assumed responsibilities. With or without loss, you will come out of that period stronger. Nothing better than living here on Earth with realities. The end of the month will come with this energy, that of the Truths. Be happy on Earth!
Be prepared to live intensely only after October 23rd. Until then, an exercise of patience. Venus coordinates your finances and affective life. With this Planet in the retrograde movement, everything stands still. You have to wait for the Sun to enter your 8th house in the last week of the month to feel strong. Instead of going against the movement of the Planets, organize your agenda, finances and keep the thought centered in this different calendar. Ask for support from partners and friends. Do not isolate yourself or delay payments by the end of the month.
Health: unstable
Love: unstable
The month of great partnerships has arrived. Your 7th house is active and everything is done with more people. If you want to start a business, it’s time to form a partnership. Enjoy the NEW Moon. If you work alone, try to get closer to customers and suppliers. It is also a good time to take out old debts. Renegotiate on the waning moon and take lower rates. Enjoy Mercury’s support and focus on finances. Until the 10th everything is slow. After that, total agitation. The other themes run their natural course.
Health: stable
Love: unstable
Venus in retrograde movement weakens your month. Try to understand the scenery. There is so much personal power. You realize that your daily life depends on others. You struggle to organize a routine and be productive, but little happens as expected. Know that, change the plans. Let others help you. Share your goals and tasks. Seek compassionate souls. Do not let yourself be influenced by dreams and intuitions. Strengthen your Faith. Stand firm on Earth.
Health: stable
Love: stable
Your month of October continues under the influence of Mars. Notice how many changes you have already planned for your career. You may have even changed the profession in the last month. Now you will feel this change strongly. You have the conviction of what you have to transform in this sector. You have prosperity if you can do it. Do not settle down. Accept challenges. Be creative and making money will be fun. Do what you like and the money will come. The family asks for a lot. If you have children, spend more time with them.
Health: excellent
Love: excellent
A different time for you. All strength is in Communication and the Home. Invest in effective communication. Look for your fraternal brothers. Talk to them, sell, write and act by computer. After the 10th, the Family and Home are the focus. You can retire and work more at home or you can spend the month attending to family requests. Do not refuse. Prepare a financial back up that lasts until early December. Profits are still slow.
Health: stable
Love: unstable
Do everything until October 22nd. Mercury and Mars collaborate on speculation. The career has a great time. It is time to act, to influence and to appear. Some goals are achieved and you feel lighter. Energy is not lacking this month. On the 23rd, change your performance. Invest all your strength in clear communication and get involved in Marketing campaigns. Do your planting in the world of social media and corporate emails. Good results come from there.
Health: excellent
Love: stable
Professional Opportunity. It could be a new job or better pay. Also consider doing overtime. Money is made because of your hard work. The month is prosperous and you can achieve your goals. The Planets benefit you 2nd House, the money House. The Month also promises fun. You get kind of electric and agitates the month. Mars gives you extra energy to create something new or just have fun with friends and crushes.
Health: excellent
Love: excellent
You are in charge. October receives several Planets in your 1st House. Your Self, your personality personality stand out. Wherever you go, you change the environment. It has always been so, but now this power is stronger. Concentrate your decisions between the 10th and 12th. The Astral favors you. You are more sensual and successful. Take advantage to invest and speculate. There is luck and benefits. Take care of yourself and remember to create prosperous paths for others.
Health: excellent
Love: stable
If you want a quiet month, invest in spiritual growth. Study a doctrine or just strengthen your Faith. By organizing this sector and feeling connected to the Divine, you will make peace with Venus retrograde. Your financial and affective life will work better. October is a month of financial growth. It is time to realize some goals and bring prosperity to the people around you. You catalyze that energy. Rely on intuition and feelings.
Health: excellent
Love: stable
You feel a difference in your own attitudes. Influenced by Mars, you can become a speculator. You do not feel so comfortable with this news. Speculate, but stick with the results. The theme of the month is the group of friends and institutions you attend. There may be time to respond to all requests. Many friends and many events. Professional life in a warm rhythm.
Health: excellent
Love: excellent
You live a magical moment! The Sun, Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter and Venus act in your favor. Professional life gets an incentive. It’s time for a promotion or new job. Enjoy this thriving cycle. There is extra money entrance. It may be for a benefit granted or because you work more. It doesn’t matter, it’s money in your hand. Be present at your company meetings and mingle. Luck in financial speculation.
Health: unstable
Love: excellent
Great goals in professional and financial life. You have a desire to work harder. You feel audacious and fights to conquer new places. The trips are benefited. It is the right month to look beyond the sea. Let the dreams flow. Some events happen and it seems like the hand of fate favoring you. It is the synchrony of the Universe. With so much movement in the houses 9th, 10th and 11th and Planets in Scorpio, it will be impossible to have a lukewarm month. Enjoy and thrive.
Health: excellent
Love: excellent
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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For private reading you can contact Claudia via email:
Image Credit: NASA