Business And Love – Your Stars For August 2023
by ClaudiaVannini
A month with 22 days. It’s what August promises. 22 active and busy days, until the 23rd when the rhythm slows. After that, everything slows down. Knowing this, make the best of the first 22 days, and after that maintain the situation. Make good use of the energy of the New Moon in Leo on the 16th.
The week between the 16th and 22nd should be where we put our energy. Don’t rest for a second. Concentrate all your strength of conquest and renewal at this moment. With Pluto retrograde, we watch the old themes come back. The disputes continue in the same format as in the past. The characters change, but the themes are repeated.
On the 23rd, the Sun enters Virgo. Born babies are the new Virgos. That same day, the 23rd, Mercury retrogrades. Remember to save copies of your files and confirm all reservations. Do not send indirect messages. Do everything by email or detailed messages. Do not delete files. Keep everything, including receipts and proof of payment. Be thorough with banking matters. Look at the statements and verify all purchases made contactless. Activate the computer and mobile antivirus. Avoid elective surgeries and imaging tests. Follow these guidelines until September 15th, and everything will work out.
Mars enters Libra on the 27th. A keen insight for traders. On the 28th Uranus enters its retrograde movement. Some technologies are rejected and replaced by humans and personal contact. Unforeseen events are mitigated. Conflicts can find a middle ground. Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Kiron remain retrograde. This large amount of retrograde Planets hinders the full development of several themes but also calms the spirits. What to do in a phase like this? Reorganize, evaluate, and audit everything that was done.
Between the 23rd of August and the 4th of September, maintain realistic expectations. Be grateful for your achievements and strengthen thoughts of prosperity. Don’t fight the Planets, follow the flow of the Universes. It will be easier.
Shall we organize the Lunar Calendar?
01st – FULL MOON in Aquarius – peaks, maximum energy
05th – Disseminating Moon in Aries – conducive to breaking patterns
08th – Waning Moon in Taurus – collection, audit, finalizations
13th – Balsamic Moon in Cancer – conducive to healing, forgiveness, and breakups
16th – NEW MOON in Leo – propitious for launching business and ideas
21st – Emerging Moon in Libra – propitious to gain strength
24th – Waxing Moon in Sagittarius – there are no guarantees, persist
28th – Gibbous Moon in Capricorn – conducive to persevering on a topic
Read your Sun and Rising Sign. A good month to all! Enjoy every moment of this Planetary Adventure and Be Happy on Earth.
A slow month. Get ready to exercise patience. August brings delays in payments and in realizing your plans. Knowing this, organize the budget and do not make unnecessary purchases. Leave your money to supply the basics. You feel that you are paralyzed. Put together a detailed schedule to avoid that feeling. Use the phases of the Moon to move with the Universes. Reduce your expectations during the Waning Moon. Act with dedication on the New Moon. Everything improves on the 23rd. You have a chance to find a new job or you are called in to work overtime. Take advantage of this opportunity. Love is strengthened and you have fun. Your health is going very well. Include time for fun in your days.
Good Days: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 22, 24, 26, 27, 30
A month with many changes. Your professional life goes through changes. You can receive good news in the Workplace, but you can also feel some disturbances caused by Uranus. Knowing this, keep an eye out for new opportunities. Your family supports you during this moment and you can dedicate more of yourself to the Home. Working from home is a good solution. You have profits with speculation, but be careful! You only have those profits until the 22nd. After that, stop and only come back to this theme during the half of September. Love goes through a great moment. It’s your strongest theme this month. Your health is fragile. Nothing too serious, but don’t push your body. You’ll feel better after the 23rd.
Good days: 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 18, 26, 27, 29
A month focused on Home. August asks for your attention at home and with family. Small renovations or a move can happen. You want to work and prosper, but this is not the best month for this. It’s best to maintain work with wisdom and wait for the planet’s help to move forward. You don’t have financial problems or surprises. Following the rhythm of the past months. Search for a Home Office job. Everything revolves around the Home. This is the perfect moment to start studying something new. Your Health remains strengthened. When it comes to Love, things get better around the last week. It’s good scenery, but it seems you don’t want to throw yourself into it. Be wise with retrograde Mercury, don’t fight against it! Be flexible.
Good Days: 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31
A prosperous month! You get good results in August, despite the retrograde Planets. The trick is to invest in marketing and sales. If the communication is well done you’ll see the results. Do everything until the 27th, after that, you’ll feel some resistance. The month does not involve big career changes. The New Moon, on the 16th, is special for you. It activates profits and financial speculation can bring good results. Concentrate your energy between the 16th and 22nd. Your health remains very strong. A moment filled with energy and disposition. Love remains strong. If you are single count with the help of friends. They can introduce you to someone interesting and fun.
Good days: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28
Take care of body and mind. Retrograde Planets delay your plans. You will have to exercise patience to deal with delays. Keep a positive mindset because a delay is a sign that something will come, even if it is later than you plan. Avoid financial risks in the last week of the month. You can get into topics you don’t master and lose money. Your health improves a lot. It is a month with a lot of vital energy. Dedicate time to your body, stress management, and meditative practices. Love goes through great turmoil. In this sector, nothing is guaranteed. Uranus can change everything and leave you alone until the month is done. Be flexible and adjust.
Good Days: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27
Challenges! August will train your skills to adapt to Planet Earth. You don’t like delays, and the month is slow. Knowing this, celebrate each deadline that you meet. Celebrate every small achievement and maintain good humor. It’s time to take care of the body. Do physical exercises, improve your eating habits, and meditate. There are no changes at work, but finances are moving slowly. Avoid risks in financial speculation and keep the budget organized. Everything will adjust itself in the time of the Universe. Your health improves a lot. You might feel like doing outdoor activities. Get closer to nature to learn to follow the rhythm of the Universe. Love is surprising. You and your partner can get stuck in communication.
Good Days: 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27
New friends. The month brings good surprises in the social circle. Your networking improves a lot and you are invited to congresses, fairs, and events. Participate and mark your presence. Opportunities come from there. There are no changes at work. Your financial earnings come from routine work. If you expect extra money from insurance, restitution, or inheritance, you may receive it during August. The month has a good financial result. Health remains good, but medical examinations can show confusing results. It is best not to do health procedures in the last week. Love life is fine. On the 27th, it seems that everything stops in this sector. It’s Mars’s fault. Manage this moment wisely and everything will be fine.
Good Days: 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28
A lot of work! August promises agitation in professional life. You have a lot to do and time flies. Organize your schedule well so you don’t miss opportunities because you’re overloaded. Despite working hard, the money only appears after the 23rd. You go against the rhythm of the other signs. You make money when most go without. Take advantage of the New Moon on the 16th. This Moon is powerful for the finances of the future. What is planted in this phase will bear fruit in September. Don’t miss the moment. The home asks for your presence. The relatives and the house need you. It’s a dilemma! Work doesn’t let you go and the family calls all the time. It can be stressful. Your health improves in the last week of August. Love goes through crises.
Good Days: 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27
Professional Success. There is a certain slowness in business, but even so, you work a lot in August. Be well organized. You’ll have extremely slow days and then two or three tasks on the same day. Concentrate your forces on the New Moon, on the 16th. Plant your best seeds. Make your business releases and start something new. The result will be visible in September. Get together with friends from work and youth. This strengthened networking will bring insights to more projects. The money comes with some delay. You will have to be patient. Don’t make sudden career changes this month. Your health continues to strengthen. Love goes through great times. It is the happiest part of your month.
Good Days: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 17, 18, 26, 27, 30
Changes! August is revolutionary for you! Everything can change until the end of the month. Knowing this, work your flexibility and prepare for a new life. Change can be great. You don’t like changing your routine, but it’s something you have to learn on Earth. Finances show good results and then stop on the 29th. Make sure to organize your budget for the beginning of September. Work is very active and a new job can appear. If you expect extra money from insurance, restitution, or inheritance, you may see some movement in the process. Have a detox. Eat better and improve your Health. Love doesn’t get a lot of energy. No dramas, but it’s slow.
Good days: 2, 5, 6, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25
Marriage and Partnerships! Be ready for new commercial and romantic relationships. The New Moon, on the 16th, moves this sector. Knowing this, keep an eye on the people offering you business opportunities. You can develop a great project with a new partner. The retrograde planets delay your plans, but you don’t notice. There aren’t big changes at work. Finances remain the same as in the past months. You discover new talents and make daring choices. People around you are surprised by your new positions. Health remains stable. Singles live many new adventures. Everything changes for the couples.
Good days: 3, 4, 7, 8, 17, 18, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28
New work! You have big opportunities during August. You can change companies or receive a promotion. The New Moon, on the 16th, moves your vocation sector. This new career process can bring some anxiety, so take care of your mental health. The physical body also requires attention, especially after the 23rd. Finances get a boost. You can make more, have profits, or be called to do extra hours. The month guarantees a lot of work events. Participate in fairs and congresses. If you expect extra money from insurance, restitution, or inheritance, prepare to receive it. Love is in a good phase. You attract people with ease, but it seems only confused people are in your life. No clarity in relationships.
Good days: 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28