Balancing Health, Finances, and Relationships – Your Stars For November 2023
by ClaudiaVannini
The month begins with good news from Saturn. On the 5th, the Lord of Time returns to his direct movement. There is a tendency for Justice to be done. Those who created their karmas begin to feel the weight of this powerful hand. With Saturn, there is no conversation. Whoever is indebted to it has to pay. This elder can collect in different ways. He doesn’t always demand payment that we think is fair. In any case, after the 5th, injustices lose strength. November offers some relief because the retrogradation of the Planets slows down. Jupiter remains retrograde. It gets in the way of big events and limits people. It seems that we have lost our blessings in the Universe. We didn’t lose! Uranus is also retrograde. We cannot predict the events of our lives, much less events in other places. Neptune also goes on this path of delays. Ideological struggles do not have a clear ideology. Many people fight and don’t even know the real motivation. But, on December 7th, 2023, Neptune will return to its direct movement. It is hope for our troubled Planet. After December 7th, we can see agreements in several regions.
On November 8th, Venus enters Libra. It is a moment everyone has been waiting for. Emotional and romantic life take on a special shine. Everyone is kinder and gentler. For our Planet, there is a chance for the fall of ruthless leaders. People seeking harmony can rise to power. Territorial disputes begin to lose strength.
On the 10th, Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Dialogue between nations is facilitated. Diplomacy is more successful.
On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Sagittarius. It’s a very fun time on Earth. Travel is intense and airports are beginning to show saturation.
On the 24th, it is Mars’ turn to move into Sagittarius. Our warrior spirit becomes courageous and less spiteful. We look less to the past and want to know about new challenges.
The month is lighter than the previous one. The world’s financial problems appear clearly. We can see who is in debt and who is quiet out of convenience. The financial markets in Europe and the United States provide good returns. Asian markets are suffering. Gold value drops. Oil and diamonds rise. The strong events of October 2023 are, latently, unfolding towards their peak, in 2025. We can celebrate a certain retreat in the clashes, but we know that the problems are dormant, not dead. The issue is that the Planet is in debt. Without money, not everyone stays sane. Some succeed. Others go crazy. It seems that humanity is heading towards extinction. No! The transformation processes on Earth are slow. 40 years from now, someone will be fighting over something that happened in 2023. Knowing this, enjoy your stay and live every moment. It’s a confusing but unique opportunity. Be Happy on Earth!
Shall we organize the Lunar Calendar?
01st – Disseminating Moon in Cancer – suitable for breaking patterns
05th – Waning Moon in Leo – collection, audit, finalizations
10th – Balsamic Moon in Libra – conducive to healing, forgiveness and breakups
13th – NEW MOON in Scorpio – suitable for launching business and ideas
17th – Emerging Moon in Capricorn – suitable for gaining strength
20th – Waxing Moon in Aquarius – there are no guarantees, persist
24th – Gibbous Moon in Aries – suitable for persevering in a theme
27th – FULL MOON in Gemini – peaks, maximum energy
November arrives with a lot of movement away from home. Therefore, inform your relatives about your absence. It is a justifiable absence. You will have a lot of business events and commitments that strengthen your networking. Most business opportunities happen in these informal meetings. Participate in everything! Professional life does not go through turbulence. It’s a time to go out and hunt for new businesses and opportunities. Be active in this search. The month promises physical and spiritual regeneration. Perhaps you will suddenly become interested in the occult, religion and philosophy. You are in search of knowledge about the Universes. Finances are still going well. It’s not a month of extreme profit, but you see results that satisfy you. If you speculate, the month has good opportunities. Love brings joy to your routine. After the 8th, singles are lucky when it comes to dating. Married people experience a period of balance. Health remains strong. Be careful not to overindulge in physical exercise and adventures. Some small exaggerations lead to injuries that can ruin your plans.
Good Days: 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29
November does not present major changes in professional life. Despite a certain monotony in this aspect, financial life has a different profile. You can speculate with great results. Furthermore, you may receive unexpected money. This cash can come from the sale of an asset, such as property, car, oxen and horses. Try to study more about investments to explore market moments well. If you have life partners or professional partnerships, beware of disputes. You could be on a collision course. This trend remains until the 29th. Knowing this, be extra patient with partners, collaborators and people who share roles with you. Don’t force a breakup.
The emotional life continues well. You want to relate to people in a balanced way, but egocentrism can prevail. Notice if there is anything you can share with your partner to be more open. Avoid isolating yourself. Health has weaknesses. Until the 22nd, take good care of yourself and listen to your body’s signals. After the 22nd, everything improves in this physical sector. If you want to start a detox, do it in the last week of November.
Good Days: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 28
November brings new opportunities for your professional life. If you are looking for a new job, take action. The month is busy in the professional sector. It’s a good buzz. Your finances respond very well to this movement. In addition to improving your cash flow, you can pay off old debts. After the 12th, the money reappears in your hands. Don’t miss this wonderful moment. Avoid unnecessary expenses and try to save a little. Your health fluctuates. It’s the exhaustion of the year starting to show. If you know how to rest your mind, your body will thank you. Take baths, massages, acupuncture, breathing classes, meditation and yoga. Use any method to avoid reaching your limit. Love goes through unstable moments. You can meet a lot of people and be interested in a lot of them, but relationships get stuck. Only after the 22nd do romances truly happen. Knowing this, enjoy the moments without much expectation in the first 21 days. Married people want news.
Good Days: 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30
November promises to strengthen your home and family relationships. You can opt for a general renovation of the property or decorating a room. The goal is to create your comfort space. It could be a new garden, a leisure area or painting the walls. Some Cancerians opt for a change of residence. If you want to have children, this is the time to do the planning. Those looking for a change in job will find good opportunities in the last week of the month. Stay tuned, after the 22nd. There is good financial movement and a lot of luck in speculation, especially on the 12th and 13th. Until the 22nd, money comes through your creativity and sagacity. Notice the good opportunities. After the 22nd, money arrives through harder work. Love is lukewarm this month. Nothing happens. Married people remain as they are. Singles have little chance of new conquests. Your health improves a lot. In November, you don’t change your habits. But, little by little, you will start to think about the impact of your choices on your health. Changes will come in the coming months.
Good Days: 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30
November may seem difficult, but listen to what I’m going to tell you. You are used to seeing things happen through your hands. This month, events will unfold in silence. It seems like nothing is happening, but it is. Your strength is in your home and family. Work more from home if you can. Stay at home more when you have free time. Recharge your energy. There are no changes in professional life. This is not a good time for a new job. The theme is managing your life and work. The money comes through the traditional method. After the 10th, good results in financial speculation. Study the topic and follow the markets. Love is not in the spotlight. Married people remain as they are. Singles do not have the emotional strength to start a relationship. Until the 22nd, take care of your health. Redo your medical exams and rest. Your physical body will call for help and you must listen to it promptly. The month promises great insights into the past. You can discover the cause of health problems when you seek therapy. The answers are in the past.
Good Days: 4, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28
November is busy for you. There is a lot of work and the pace is frantic.
Finance receives good news. There are new opportunities and new businesses. It is not a month to change jobs. Your theme is an expansion of what already exists. The Month does not show an emphasis on speculation. After the 22nd, you change the route. Focus on activities around your home. It could be working from home or dedicating your time to home topics. Your presence at home strengthens your foundations. Imagine yourself as a tree, which deepens its roots to seek new nutrients. This is your process. Anyone who doesn’t do this could fall with the first wind in December.
The Romantic sector shows signs of life. It’s not a formal courtship yet, but an interesting flirtation occupies your heart. In the coming months, it could become a real thing. Your health is strengthened, at least until the 22nd. After that, your physical health may weaken. Try to rest and reorganize your body. Avoid drastic changes to your diet or sports routine.
Good Days: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 17, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28
November is a prosperous month for you. There is more work and higher earnings. The New Moon marks this special moment. Speculations and investments also give good returns. Keep an eye on your budget, even if you have more money. Some expenses can go over budget if you don’t plan ahead. Take advantage of earning opportunities and good sales between the 1st and 11th. On these days you can produce more than on the remaining days. Emotional life takes on a spicy tone. Married people have more fun. In fact, if you are married, you can earn more money with your partner. This union between love and prosperity nourishes any relationship. Singles have sensual adventures. Dating happens in line at the bank or in a conversation about investments. Your interest is in a prosperous person. Your health improves a lot. You feel more physical strength and dedicate a lot of time to your body. It could be extra care like massage and stretching or a good beauty session. All actions will do you a lot of good.
Good Days: 1, 2, 3, 11, 13, 19, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30
November arrives with news in professional life. You are competitive in the market. While many are looking for a single job, you find yourself faced with seductive proposals. Listen to your heart and make the best choice. You can choose to stay where you are, but the interest shown by other companies raises your self-esteem. The month promises a greater volume of money but with delays. Knowing this, leave some payments until after the 22nd. You will have the money. If there are debts, this is the month to pay them off. There is still one more surprise in this exciting month. You can travel. It could be something surprising, a last-minute invitation. Do not miss this opportunity. The emotional life does not show much movement. Married people remain together. Singles have an increased libido, but they don’t seem very interested in dedicating themselves to love. More daring events of the heart may occur next month.
Your health remains excellent. You feel physical strength and increased energy. You are interested in diets, planning physical exercises and aesthetic procedures. Your body reflects this well-being to the world.
Good Days: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30
November is marked by movement in all sectors. You can develop your projects more easily. If you have a project or business on hold, the time has come to act. The month does not indicate changes in employment, but there may be a tempting offer. The tendency is to expand what you created and resolve what was stuck. Finances do not show major changes. Travel is possible in your month. They may happen for leisure, but business calls you. Don’t be afraid to go to new places to explore possibilities. There is always, somewhere, someone who needs you or has the answers to your questions. Go and watch this miracle happen. The emotional life remains lively. Singles can meet someone interesting when they go to a philosophical meeting, church or occult course. Philanthropic activities also bring couples together and the theme is strong for your month. Health remains very good. You feel strong enough to explore the possibilities of this Planet.
Good Days: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 23, 24
November expands your group of friends and networking is strengthened. You may not understand how this topic contributes to your professional life, but it is fundamental. You enter new institutions, clubs and religious places. This new group learns about other topics and you see a new view of the world. There are new businesses and new cultural interests. This expansion of the mind positively affects your work. You may even receive a good job offer from these connections. Your finances remain in balance. There are no big gains or losses. Relatives may ask you for money. Only lend it if you don’t need it, as there is no guarantee of return. Emotional life goes through good times. Singles are more romantic and want to demonstrate this to the world. There is a possibility of dating. Health remains stable. You are not at your most energetic, but you can carry out all activities. Remember to respect your body and fit breaks into your schedule.
Good Days: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28
November promises great success in your professional life. It’s time to reap the results of your efforts. You can achieve a high goal at work and receive a reward. There is no sign of a job change, but expansion is guaranteed. Finances show good results. You may receive extra money for overtime or a pay raise. The New Moon, on the 13th, is wonderful for your investments. Don’t miss this day, it’s a prosperous day for you. Keep an eye out for small accidents. Drive slowly and with extra attention. Emotional life goes through a lot of excitement. It’s a good thing. Singles have a lot of dates. They may be interested in several people and their hearts may be divided when choosing. Married couples have a very happy month. Your health is fragile. The tiredness of the year shows its signs. You can greatly improve your symptoms by fitting short breaks into your schedule. Acupuncture, massages, yoga and meditation help balance the system. Don’t ignore your body’s warnings.
Good Days: 1, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 26, 27, 28
November is very powerful for your professional life. You have good opportunities for a new job. If you are looking for a new position in the market, take advantage. Pay close attention to the details of these offers. One of them can be exhausting because the structure of the place does not follow the rules and laws. You can destroy your reputation in a job like that. Analyze everything. Ask questions and investigate the company. Your finances are doing well. It’s not a big profit month, but you have what it takes. After the 24th, money happens more quickly. Romantic life is busy. Married people remain together. Singles are interested in people from distant places, including other countries. Romances happen, but there is a certain indecision when it comes to establishing a relationship. If your heart says yes, go ahead. Your health is great. After the 22nd, look for alternative treatments and rest more. Give your body massages and seek acupuncture. Your liver calls for help. Try a diet that detoxifies this organ.
Good Days: 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 30