A transformation – Your stars for December 2020
December, 2020 by ClaudiaVannini
What better way to end a year than to open a door to the future? That’s what you will do in December. Instead of closing a Cycle, you will have the opportunity to reshape the next Semester. This will happen because of this month’s SOLAR ECLIPSE. Read below how your SIGN will make this transformation. Take this time to act on your behalf. Act, move, and break paradigms. Everything is available on Earth. Some are hunters and go on a search. These are the true inhabitants of this perfect planet. I take this opportunity to thank your company for all of 2020.
A unique and unforgettable year. Despite the events, we can say that we were challenged as a group. And, if you are reading this prediction, you can already consider yourself a victorious warrior. You overcame an illness, overcame fear, and managed to transform. You’ll never be the same again. Something in your DNA has been modified. Gradually, you will discover new personal concepts. Your choices will be different. Since March, we have faced this battle with words and trust. We made a story together. And when we make history together, we create magnetic links. That’s how we end 2020. United by something bigger. We did it. Gratitude!
Shall we set up our monthly schedule?
December 1st – Mercury in Sagittarius – Your mind connects with other countries
December 6th – A difficult day and without mental clarity
December 11th – A day full of courage
December 15th – Venus enters Sagittarius – improvement in foreign trade, travel and cultural exchanges. Perfect day for signing contracts.
December 15th – KÍRON in direct movement! End of dramas in the health sector.
December 19th – a propitious day for negotiating vaccines and medicines
December 20th – excellent news for Science and Planetary Health.
December 23rd – Presidents can declare war
What about the LUNAR schedule?
December 04th – Disseminating Moon – suitable for breaking patterns
December 07th – Waning Moon in VIRGO – authority is out of the spotlight
December 11th – Balsamic Moon – suitable for healing and forgiveness
December 14th – NEW Moon in Sagittarius – transmutes what bothers us
December 18th – Emerging Moon – suitable for taking strength
December 21st – Waxing Moon in ARIES – results are not guaranteed
December 27th – Gibbous Moon – suitable for persevering on a theme
December 30th – FULL MOON in TAURUS – the peak of investments, marketing, and speculation
This month’s solar Eclipse moves your 9th House. Get ready to travel. It is time to expand your knowledge. There are spiritual pursuits and faith can be revised. Any legal issues that have been slow gain pace. There is a favorable resolution for you. Jupiter and Saturn improve your group of friends and networking. That is the focus of your month. Strengthen your professional and personal connections. Love on the rise. Good health after the 21st. Finances in good shape.
Good days: 2,3,8,9,11,12,16,24,25,26,27
This month’s solar Eclipse moves your 8th House. You take the reins of life in your hands. It is a sure sign of increased power. Sexual life undergoes renewal. Jupiter enters your 10th house and promises good surprises in your professional life. This event will last for many months, so the career will be an important theme. Take advantage of this support from Jupiter and get ready to embrace the good opportunities. Good health. Unstable love. Finances in a balanced phase.
Good days: 1,5,6,8,13,14,16,18,24,25
This month’s solar Eclipse affects your 7th House. It is the second time, this year, that an Eclipse moves this sector for you. It is a sign that something has to be transformed in the themes of societies, partnerships, and marriage. Bring new partners into your life or invest in couples therapy. If necessary, terminate a partnership. Jupiter enters the 9th House. Travel and new studies will come. Expand faith. Good health, unstable love, and balanced finances.
Good days: 2,3,5,8,13,16,19,24,27,30,31
This month’s solar Eclipse changes your habits. It affects your 6th House and promises a transformation of your routine. You can quit an addiction, start a diet, or include exercise in your daily life. The next 6 months will bring a new agenda. Your vocation can be revealed. Many Cancers will change their profession. Love catches fire. The sex life is activated by Jupiter. You are impossible in this theme. Good health until the 21st.
Good days: 5,6,8,13,14,15,16,17,24,27,31
News in 5th House. This month’s solar Eclipse activates your desire to have children. Creativity is heightened and you can invent many things in the next 6 months. There is an activation of dating and flirting. If you’re single, you can expect it. After the 18th, your health calls for attention. Review habits and rest. Love gets a boost with the help of Jupiter. Finances are going well. If you are a speculator, be careful. You can go through big losses.
Good days: 2,3,6,7,8,14,16,22,23,25,26,27
Movements in the 4th House. This month’s solar Eclipse affects your Home and your relatives. You can change your address, renovate the whole house or change your behavior with family members. It is a new cycle that starts. In the next 6 months, all of these themes will call for attitudes on your part. Finances remain balanced. There is an opportunity for a new job in a distant region. Stay tuned! Stable love and excellent health.
Good days: 1,2,3,5,6,10,11,12,23,24,27,28
This month’s solar Eclipse IS in your 3rd House. Get ready to buy a new computer, smartphone, or change your car. Your communication is undergoing renewal. It’s time to study more about interpersonal communication. You will notice the difference between speaking and communicating. Love goes through a good phase until the 21st. After that it’s lukewarm. Venus contributes to the stability of finances. The most difficult topic is your health. Take exams and preserve yourself.
Good days: 2,3,5,6,8,13,16,25,29,30,31
This month’s solar Eclipse moves your 2nd Home. The theme for the next semester will be money. From capturing it in abundance to where to invest it. Listen to your intuition and seek financial resources boldly. Expand prospects. Love goes through an excellent phase. Take advantage of this astral support. Finances in a good moment. Health is going well, but it calls for attention in January. Start right now to fix what bothers you.
Good days: 5,6,8,13,14,16,23,24,25,27,28
This month’s solar Eclipse happens in your 1st House. It is a renewal of self, body, and life. In the next 6 months, many themes will be transformed by your hands. Rethink how you want to be and where you want to be. The Astral will bless your plans. Money circulates abundantly, especially after the 21st. In love, you are shining. Mercury increases your ability to seduce. There are many dates this month. Health remains stable.
Good days: 5,6,7,8,9,13,15,16,17,24,27
This month’s solar Eclipse impacts your 12th House. A new cycle begins and changes your faith. You can expand your spiritual contacts and connect with the Universe. You can renew your vows of devotion or radically leave a religious group. Memories are also reorganized more clearly. Health is strengthened. Money arrives slowly. Organize your budget. Love is strengthened and involves spiritual connection.
Good days: 2,3,7,8,9,15,16,17,18,22,25,27
This month’s solar Eclipse shakes your 11th House. It’s time to renew the social group. You can use the strength of Jupiter to expand the group of friends. It may be that some friends get out of your life. Others arrive for a new cycle. It is time to strengthen networking. Institutions and associations also enter your routine. Money circulates in your hands after the 21st. Until then, moderation and organization. Love in a good phase. Weak health.
Good days: 2,3,8,11,12,16,19,20,21,25,29,30
This month’s solar Eclipse happens on your home 10th House. News in professional life. It is the opening of opportunities that will last 6 months. Time to improve your position or change your company. The money flows very well this month. Love flows until the 21st. After that, little movement. Health asks for that general detox. Neptune is affected in this Eclipse. You are ruled by Neptune. Your body can succumb to every fatigue of the year. Rearrange the body.
Good days: 5,6,8,13,14,15,16,22,23,26,27
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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For a private reading, you can contact Claudia via email.
Image Credit: NASA