A new stage for humanity – Your stars for February 2021
FEBRUARY begins with VENUS in Aquarius. Planet Earth changes again. The biggest transformation occurred in December 2020 when Saturn and Jupiter entered Aquarius. Humanity’s thoughts turned to the collective. Now, Venus meets the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn in the Air element. Our thinking is agile, communications are intense and deep. Everyone wants to study, learn and specialize in something. It is a new stage for humanity. There is a lot of progress in technology and education. Mercury remains retrograde until the 21st. Even so, here on Earth, the movement remains accelerated. Everyone wants to produce and profit. Between the 21st of February and the 27th of April, all the Planets continue in direct movement. It is a gift for all of us. Everything has to happen in this time frame. Let´s organize our Monthly Schedule? FEB, 01st – Venus enters Aquarius. Everything is about the collective, the humanitarian, and the future. FEB, 08th – Advancement in Science FEB, 11th – Commercial expansion FEB, 13th – New solutions emerge FEB, 14th – Knowledge expansion FEB, 17th – Trade suffers from blockages between countries FEB, 20th- Mercury returns to the direct movement. A phase of growth and expansion across the planet. FEB, 24th – World tension, the threat of wars, and commercial retaliation FEB, 25th – Venus in Pisces. Exalted idealism in all personal and commercial relationships.
Shall we organize our Lunar Calendar?
FEB, 01st – Disseminating Moon in Libra – suitable for legal decisions
FEB, 04th – Waning Moon in Scorpio – deep recoil – shadows dominate the Earth and human thought. Keep good thoughts and cultivate good memories.
FEB, 08th – Balsamic Moon in Capricorn – suitable for healing and forgiveness.
FEB, 11th – NEW MOON in AQUARIUS – time to launch of futuristic projects.
FEB, 16th – Waxing Moon in Aries – favorable for innovation and restart.
FEB, 19th – Waxing Moon in Gemini – there are no guarantees in the projects, please wait.
FEB, 24th – Gibbous Moon in Leo – suitable for persevering on a theme. Persist!
FEB, 27th – FULL MOON in Virgo – apex in strategies and knowledge. Harvest your results. Remember to read your SUN SIGN and Ascendant foresight.
The month is prosperous for you. Money circulates and you have a good opportunity for a new job. After the 21st, everything is even better. Things happen very quickly at the end of the month. Your spending increases. You either have old bills to pay or overreacted in the summer. Anyway, the month guarantees a lot of intuition to make money. The social group increases and you gain new and loyal friends. Love in a good moment, but you have little interest. Excellent health.
Good days: 2,3,8,10,11,18,19,20,21
The month is very good for you. Money circulates and you are focused on that topic. You only think about the best way to get rich. That money comes to you, after the 21st. Until then, count on delays. The end of the month ties up everything that was pending. You remain concerned about your social profile. Invest in the wardrobe and improve aesthetics. Health weakens a little. Love in a stable moment. Pay attention when driving and beware of domestic accidents. It is possible to avoid them. Avoid arguments.
Good days: 1,2,3,5,9,11,12,20,27
February brings a lot of excitement. Your life can change in 5 minutes. But, they are good changes. The Planets walk with fluidity and you feel it in everyday life. Problems are resolved quickly and decisions take place in the blink of an eye. Finances are going well. You decide to travel or study a new topic. If you are looking for a job, it may come from a distant place. Accept the change. Until the 21st, anything can happen. Then it’s just a conclusion. Fragile health, stable love.
Good days: 2,3,5,11,13,14,20,21,23,24
The month calls for a complete detox! Start by donating what you no longer use. Clean the house, cabinets, drawers. Clean up your mind. It is not a prosperous month, but life puts everything in place after the 21st. Until then, you have the support of people close to you. If you want a change of city or country, now is the time. You have a better chance of getting money in a place far from where you live. Pay your debts. Start over. Be reborn in yourself. Excellent health, stable love.
Good days: 2,3,9,11,18,19,23,25,26,27,28
February is prosperous for you. Your goals at work come true. If you are looking for a job, you have good chances after the 21st. The most important issue is monitoring your health. Tiredness and stress will leave marks in the physical body. It is important to make room for others. You are well placed, so generate benefits for others. Open doors, create bridges for everyone to grow. This movement can ease the pressure on you. Extremely unstable health. Love filled with melodramas.
Good days: 1,2,3,10,11,19,20,21,27,28
If anyone is happy this month, it is you. Finances are going well. Your keen intuition generates money and you ignore any retrograde Planet. There are jobs in your way. Plural. It is not just one opportunity. You will have to choose between two calls. Friends work hard to lift you and create links for you. Optimal health. Excellent love. Singles with a very busy month. There is no way to complain. You haven’t had such a busy month in a while.
Good days: 2,3,10,11,19,20,21,28
You feel free. This feeling brings a state of grace. Everyone realizes how well you are. There are new job opportunities. And, it is not just one. You have to choose between two offers. Finances remain at a neutral stage, but there is no shortage. You have everything you need to start your career in a new location. You make new friends and remain interested in psychology. Excellent health, with chances of pregnancy. Great love and very high libido. The month promises discoveries.
Good days: 1,2,3,4,9,10,20,21,24,28
Professional life is not a topic in February. You stay where you are or expect a good opportunity. You have no urge to embrace any new offer. Your theme, in February, is the family. A theme has to be reviewed with relatives. It can be something in the house or sentimental. Be sure to do your homework in that sector. As boring as it sounds, you need to heal some memories in order to walk. Stable love. Very fragile health. Rest and get energetic treatments.
Good days: 2,3,6,7,11,20,21,23,25,26
February is not a month with many changes. You manage life as it is. If you remain employed, you fulfill your function. If you are unemployed, you are not looking for an opportunity very enthusiastically. Finances are organized by someone else in the house. Your biggest goal is to feel good. Some feelings were hidden in 2020. Now, you make contact with them and want to live happily again. Seek therapy. If you want to move to another city, start planning now. Excellent health, love is in a crisis.
Good days: 1,2,3,9,10,20,27,28
You have a month full of news. You can change jobs and, if you want, country. It’s a new phase and you don’t waste a minute. Finances go very well. You have a keen intuition for speculation on stock exchanges. It’s a great month, after the 21st, to start a business or launch an idea at work. You are successful! Only there are no partners. You will do everything yourself. The family asks for your presence. Health is great. Love goes on without news, in a neutral phase.
Good days: 2,3,8,10,12,18,20,21,27,28.
AQUARIUS You are in control of the situation. Everything happens by your hand. So be careful not to miss opportunities. Your career is going well. Finances are progressing. You find good partnerships and friends with smart ideas. Also, you invest in yourself. You change your wardrobe and it is aesthetically pleasing. You want to show the world that you are in a good phase. The family asks for your attention. Do whatever it takes to resolve the issues. Love on the rise. Excellent health.
Good days: 1,2,3,4,5,13,14,19,20,21,28
PISCES You have great financial opportunities if you use communication as a strategy. Perfect the way you speak. Study interpersonal communication. If you use the right words, you will have a lot more money in the bank. You receive a lot of information while sleeping. Write down your dreams and value your intuition. It’s a very free month, so use it to put things your way. There is an opportunity for a new job. Excellent health. Love in a good phase after the 21st.
Good days: 2,3,7,8,9,18,19,20,21,27,28
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Claudia Vannini, a renowned astrologer based in Brazil. For a private reading, you can contact Claudia via email.
Image Credit: NASA